Meg Whitman donates $250,000 to No on 5
Hot off the presses, former eBay Chairman (and ersatz California Governor) Meg Whitman today took out her rather sizable checkbook, and wrote a rather sizable check to the campaign against Proposition 5, which we here at the FlashReport like to call the "Let Criminals Out of Jail" Measure. Law enforcement leaders, and frankly most political leaders around the state have unified against the measure (heck, anything that gets Orange County’s conservative D.A. Tony Rackauckas and actor Martin Sheen on the same side, against it, must suck on a whole new level).
Whitman’s contribution certainly represents a high-profile donation, and the No on 5 campaign can use it. While the initiative is terrible, the reality is that raising money to defeat it has been very difficult.
Of course, I have to finish off this post by juxtaposing some 2010 Gubernatorial politics. With this donation, Whitman will be sure to get a boost with law enforcement types, who are all opposed to this thing. If… Read More