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Jon Fleischman

AD15: Joan Buchanan Double Talk

Apparently when headed out on the campaign trail, integrity and consistency are a couple of traits that Joan Buchanan, the Democrat candidate for State Assembly in the highly competitive 15th Assembly District, leaves at home.

In a classic case of how advancing technology really makes it hard for shifty candidates to say one thing to one group on one day, and the opposite to another group on another day… Check this out…

Let’s frame this up. Buchanan told the audience at a candidates’ debate last Wednesday that she would support construction of a Peripheral Canal. This is a controversial project, that would divert waters around the Sacramento Delta and move it to Southern California (where I can use it to overwater my lawn).

While as an Orange County resident, I appreciated Buchanan’s stated position on the canal, apparently she must have taken a lot of grief from her… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD80: You have to read it to believe it….

Manuel Perez, the Democrat nominee in the 80th Assembly District, is locked in a fierce battle with GOPer Gary Jeandron. Apparently money must be tight for Perez. I conclude this because Perez is being sued in small claims court for $700 — for failing to pay the bill for… an Elvis impersonator!

Sound unbelievable? Check out the story in the Desert Sun newspaper here.… Read More

Meredith Turney

4th CD Candidate’s Radical Abortion Position

“At what point does a baby get human rights?” It’s a philosophically profound question, but for those who truly support human rights, it’s an easy one to answer. When Pastor Rick Warren asked this question of the presidential candidates during the Saddleback Civil Forum in August, their responses provided a distinctive contrast between the two.

Barack Obama tried to tiptoe around the political landmine by pleading compensation-capped ignorance: “it’s above my pay grade.” Knowing he had to kowtow to the radical abortion supporters while not offending the many pro-life Democrats or undecided voters, Obama took the easy way out—something a president is not able to do. John McCain’s response was clear and direct: “At the moment of conception.” Whether you support abortion or you’re pro-life, such honesty is refreshing and necessary in a leader.

So I give props to 4th Congressional District candidate Charlie Brown for his equal candor in a debate with fellow candidate Senator Tom McClintock earlier this week. Asked when life begins, he responded, “At birth.”

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Meg Whitman Barnstorms America For McCain-Palin, All The While Contemplating 2010…

Just the other day, I won an auction on eBay, purchasing the Lil’ Lion Elite costume for my son, Matthew, who will be celebrating his second Halloween this year.

As I was completing this transaction on the world’s largest internet auction site, I had three thoughts. The first was that I was thrilled that someone didn’t come along in the final seconds of the auction and beat my offer. The second was that my wife would be thrilled that I "got" the costume. And lastly, it made me realize I hadn’t really given much coverage here on the FlashReport to the rising GOP phenomenon of Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay who now has such a high profile within the GOP that the party’s nominee for President, Senator McCain, mentioned her specifically as a potential pick to serve as Treasury Secretary should he be… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Barnstorms America For McCain-Palin, All The While Contemplating 2010…

Just the other day, I won an auction on eBay, purchasing the Lil’ Lion Elite costume for my son, Matthew, who will be celebrating his second Halloween this year.

As I was completing this transaction on the world’s largest internet auction site, I had three thoughts. The first was that I was thrilled that someone didn’t come along in the final seconds of the auction and beat my offer. The second was that my wife would be thrilled that I "got" the costume. And lastly, it made me realize I hadn’t really given much coverage here on the FlashReport to the rising GOP phenomenon of Meg Whitman, the former CEO of eBay who now has such a high profile within the GOP that the party’s nominee for President, Senator McCain, mentioned her specifically as a potential pick to serve as Treasury Secretary should he be… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

The Forces of Tolerance Sure Can Be Intolerant

Opponents of Proposition 8 like to style themselves sunny defenders of tolerance heroically facing down the dark forces of bigotry and intolerance. "Hate" is a word they are especially fond of throwing at Prop. 8 supporters. But they’re liberals, so it’s OK for them.

You can read about all that anti-Prop. 8 tolerance and love in action in this Modesto Bee article:

In a violent display of intolerance, an opponent of Proposition 8 attacked and seriously injured a man who was volunteering on Sunday for the initiative to define marriage as between and a man and a woman.

Prop. 8 supporter, Jose Nunez, 37, was brutally assaulted while waiting to distribute yard signs to other supporters of the initiative after church services at the St. Stanislaus Parish in Modesto.

The assailant grabbed about 75 signs and yelled at Nunez accusingly, "What do you have against gays!" Although Nunez replied that he had nothing against gays, he was attacked anyway.

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Jon Fleischman

Is Bill Emmerson really being challenged by the wedding singer?

We here at the FlashReport hear that there is an interesting political movement emerging in San Bernardino County. Apparently, and I wouldn’t have known this, it is getting harder and harder to find a wedding singer in those parts. Because of this, liberals in the 63rd Assembly District, currently represented by Dentist-turned-Legislator Bill Emmerson, are running a behind-the-scenes effort to pull the rug out from Emmerson’s Democrat opponent, the wedding singer, Mark Westwood (pictured).

I guess the presumption is that if Westwood were to become a member of the State Legislature, his time to “rock out” weddings and bar mitzvahs would be severely reduced. Actually, it’s not only that special once-in-a-lifetime event in your life that Westwood wants to “rock” – if you check out the website of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New McCain Web Ad… Starring…

If you struggled through the Presidential debate last night like I did, you knew two things would come from it. The first is that the McCain Campaign would start to use "Joe the Plumber" in their messaging. The second is a skit on Saturday Night Live featuring Joe. Well, check out the ad below from the McCain for President campaign… One down… … Read More

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