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Jennifer Nelson

Too Little, Too Late

San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson is running to replace Guy Houston in the State Assembly. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Wilson today. Today. One week before the general election. He is swinging by a Wilson fundraiser tomorrow evening when he’s in the neighborhood to help raise money for Prop. 11. But as Republicans struggle to keep, much less gain, seats in the State Legislature, you would think that our GOP governor would be working hard to help get fiscally conservative legislators elected. Especially since we’re looking at another ugly budget fight as soon as the new legislature takes office.

Perhaps this is just the way life is in a post-partisan world. But if Schwarzenegger is not willing to help a Bay Area Republican who has a host of bi-partisan endorsements, he deserves the pro-big government, high taxes, high spending Democratic-controlled legislature he’ll end up with next year.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Morning News – Ad Watch!

This morning I watched broadcast news from 8:45 to 9:05 and here is what I saw:

Block for 78th Assembly: 1 (although I’d note their buy is huge I just appear to be missing them) McCann for 78th Assembly: 1 Evans & Jackson for San Diego School Board: 1 Prop 4 No: 1 Prop 8 No: 1 Prop 2 No: 3 Prop 5 Yes: 1 Prop 7 Yes: 1 No on B: 1… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold Appears on Mailer for Andal. Does McCain want to win? Newspapers Lose More Readers

MSM PRINT NEWSPAPER CIRCULATIONS DROP, AGAIN Our friends in the main stream media print newspaper continue to feel the hit as readership continues to decline at a fairly rapid pace. More and more former readers of papers are instead turning to outlets like the internet to find their news. It seems like many papers are in a “death spiral” where the circulation drops, then the layoffs come (see here for the latest), and then the circulation drops more… and so on…

Some stats: LOS ANGELES TIMES — 739,147 — (-5.20%) SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE — 339,430 — (-7.07%) SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE — 269,819 — (-3.00%) THE SACRAMENTO BEE —… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold Appears on Mailer for Andal. Does McCain want to win? Newspapers Lose More Readers

MSM PRINT NEWSPAPER CIRCULATIONS DROP, AGAIN Our friends in the main stream media print newspaper continue to feel the hit as readership continues to decline at a fairly rapid pace. More and more former readers of papers are instead turning to outlets like the internet to find their news. It seems like many papers are in a “death spiral” where the circulation drops, then the layoffs come (see here for the latest), and then the circulation drops more… and so on…

Some stats: LOS ANGELES TIMES — 739,147 — (-5.20%) SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE — 339,430 — (-7.07%) SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE — 269,819 — (-3.00%) THE SACRAMENTO BEE — 253,249 —… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Paging Tom Campbell

I am trying to get a hold of former Congressman Tom Campbell. If anyone has a good e-mail or phone number for him, can you please send it to me? Thanks.… Read More

Barry Jantz

SD City Attorney Survey: Goldsmith 50-38

As a follow up to my Sunday San Diego post on the race, here’s a KGTV Channel 10/Survey USA poll, from the news website….

Goldsmith Possibly Positioned to Topple Incumbent Aguirre in San Diego City Attorney Race: In an election for San Diego City Attorney held today, 10/24/08, eleven days until votes are counted, challenger Jan Goldsmith may have the strength to unseat incumbent Michael Aguirre, according to this latest exclusive KGTV-TV poll conducted by SurveyUSA. At this hour, it’s Goldsmith 50%, Aguirre 38%, Undecided 12%. Whites and Hispanics vote differently. Whites back the challenger. Hispanics back the incumbent. InRead More

Duane Dichiara

The Morning News — Ad Watch!

This morning from 8:30 to 9:00am Iflipped throughthe morning shows on broadcast,clicking to Fox cable from time to time. I thought I’d make a list of what ads I saw in that time period.

Bilbray for 50th Congress: 3 Fletcher for 75th Assembly: 1 McCann for 78th Assembly: 3 Block for 78th Assembly: 1 Goldsmith for City Attorney: 1 Proposition 7 Yes: 1 Proposition 7 No: 5 Proposition 4 Yes: 1 Proposition 4 No: 1 (a particularly nasty one) Proposition 2 Yes: 2 Proposition 2 No: 1 Proposition 8 Yes: 3 Proposition 8 No: 1

I usually only watch TV early in the morning and late at night… but I think the ‘most ads’ award this year goes to No on Proposition 7 – particularly the one with the woman talking on the right half of the screen and the various endorsements and whatnot on the right side. I see that one in my sleep now.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Jerry Lewis’ Opponent Quotes Me From 2007

In the San Bernardino Sun newspaper, Democrat Congressional nominee Tim Prince has an editorial printed attacking his opponent, incumbent Republican Congressman Jerry Lewis. In that piece, Prince says, "California Republican Party vice chair and publisher of the popular, Jon Fleischman, calls for Lewis’ ouster and said Lewis "symbolizes the `big spending mentality’ of the House (and) should gracefully retire from Congress ."

I want to make it clear that during this period of time, between the primary and general elections, when Congressman Lewis is the duly elected nominee of the Republican Party, facing off against Prince, I have not said anything publicly critical of Congressman Lewis or his addiction to earmarking.

Prince is actually referring to this column penned in 2007. Or was it this one? Then again, it might have been… Read More

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