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Jon Fleischman

McClintock Takes Positions On Ballot Measures

Conservative icon and Congressional Candidate Tom McClintock has taken positions on the ballot measures appearing on the November ballot…

From McClintock…

Prop. 1A High Speed Rail Bond. NO: This is the most outrageously expensive boondoggle in California’s long history of outrageously expensive boondoggles. The ultimate cost of this project could end up exceeding $90 billion – or $10,000 per family – all for a train that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco in two hours longer than it takes to fly. It’s brought to you by the same folks who botched Boston’s "Big Dig." (I’m one of the official opponents of this measure.)

Prop. 2 Farm Animals. NO: Sorry, but farm animals are food, not friends. Plan on somewhat happier cows and much higher grocery bills if this one passes.

Prop. 3 Hospital Bond. NO: Here’s a rather cynical measure that uses children as a front in order to lavish taxpayer funds on private hospital corporations.

Prop. 4 Parental Notification. YES: Parents must give written consent before their teenage daughters use a tanning booth or… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Critical Dana Point Council Meeting Tomorrow — Who Will Stand Up Against Lavish Benefit Increases?

Quiet and sleepy Dana Point, California, occupies some of the most beautiful, and conservative real estate in the entire country. All of the Republicans in this left coast port town act as a symbolic counterbalance to Newport, Rhode Island, on the right coast.

With a town so Republican, it may come as some surprise that there is one Democrat on the City Council, Steve Weinberg – but he is more than offset by four card-carrying GOPers – Lisa Bartlett, Joel Bishop, Lara Anderson and Diane Harkey (who is off to Sacramento in December as a new member of the legislature).

With the conservative credentials of this Council, you have to ask yourself how, a week ago Tuesday, the first reading of a city ordinance passed that would increase the stipend (pay) of council members by 30% and provide taxpayer funded health care forRead More

Jon Fleischman

SNL – Palin Opening Skit

Ok, Ok… Maybe if I post this, people will stop sending me links to it (I doubt it)… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Monday Miscellany

LAST DAY TO REGISTER Have you registered to vote? TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election. So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form… Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment. You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home! Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility. PROP. 2 – THE PREPOSTEROUS PROPOSITION I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Monday Miscellany

LAST DAY TO REGISTER Have you registered to vote? TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election. So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form… Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment. You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home! Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility.

PROP. 2 – THE PROPOSTEROUS PROPOSITION I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living conditions” for chickens. OK, maybe I am the only one… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Scouting and Taxes, CTA and Marriage, Google, San Fran and more

Leaving SDCTA is Hard to Do… I absolutely detest when I have the info before the “other media,” yet can’t do anything with it. San Diego County Taxpayers Association board member first, blogger second, and good soldier all the way around, apparently. My venting now out of the way…

In the wake of former CEO and President Lani Lutar’s fairly recent departure from Taxpayers, the organization has announced a replacement. Lani Lutar.

From SDCTA Chairman John O’Neill:

We are pleased to announce that Lani Lutar will be rejoining the Association as president and chief executive officer in early November … As our CEO, Lani demonstrated her ability to bring objectivity and intelligence to our analysis of issues. She provides important continuity as we scrutinize whatever steps local governments take in response to the international fiscal crisis … A comment from a recent communication to me from Lani says volumes: "There’s a lot of work ahead, but I’m prepared to roll up my sleeves and do what the Taxpayers Association does best –Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senator McClintock, Chairman of the “Goose Egg Caucus”

Over at the Sacramento Bee website, they are featuring a story that highlights the fact that State Senator Tom McClintock has had no legislation signed into law in the last two years. They go on to point out that he is the principal author of only two pieces of legislation that have become law in eight years in the State Senate.

There are two major reasons why the conservative Senator, who is an icon to many of us for his steadfast commitment to limited government and individual liberty, has not passed many bills. The first is that the California legislature is dominated by ultra liberal majorities in each chamber. The second is that McClintock spends his time in support of substantive and real reforms that, simply put, don’t have a prayer of passing. What kinds of bills are these? You can probably guess — tax cuts, regulatory relief, etcetera.

Because McClintock is passionate about shrinking the size and scope of state… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator McClintock, Chairman of the “Goose Egg Caucus”

Over at the Sacramento Bee website, they are featuring a story that highlights the fact that State Senator Tom McClintock has had no legislation signed into law in the last two years. They go on to point out that he is the principal author of only two pieces of legislation that have become law in eight years in the State Senate.

There are two major reasons why the conservative Senator, who is an icon to many of us for his steadfast commitment to limited government and individual liberty, has not passed many bills. The first is that the California legislature is dominated by ultra liberal majorities in each chamber. The second is that McClintock spends his time in support of substantive and real reforms that, simply put, don’t have a prayer of passing. What kinds of bills are these? You can probably guess — tax cuts, regulatory relief, etcetera.

Because McClintock is passionate about shrinking the size and scope of state… Read More

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