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James V. Lacy

New York Times unloads on ACORN nonprofit problems – and you heard it on FlashReport first

The New York Times has an article today on ACORN’s nonprofit problems that echoes much of my concerns in a detailed post yesterday and adds a lot more. For those who want to know more, see the article, "Acorn Report Raises Issues of Legality " by Stephanie Strom at

In the meantime, we can be assured Debra Bowen’s office and her team will be closely monitoring the fairness of Troop 154’s Eagle Scout nominations in Chico. Perhaps there is a Republican Scoutmaster Bowen can indict for ballot stuffing.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Poizner Criss-Crosses California for GOP and Candidates

Last Friday I penned a column here on the FlashReport that focused on former eBay Chairman Meg Whitman, and the aggressive role that she is playing as a National Co-Chairman of the McCain for President Campaign. In that piece, I mentioned that Whitman is in the process of looking at a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010.

Well, in a very clear sign that even though this year’s Presidential contest has yet to be resolved, many are already looking to 2010, since publishing my piece on Whitman, I have been literally barraged with e-mails from FR readers all around California letting me know that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has been out to their local community. In many instances, there have been glowing words of praise for Poizner as a candidate for Governor along with those e-mails.

After getting a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Criss-Crosses California for GOP and Candidates

Last Friday I penned a column here on the FlashReport that focused on former eBay Chairman Meg Whitman, and the aggressive role that she is playing as a National Co-Chairman of the McCain for President Campaign. In that piece, I mentioned that Whitman is in the process of looking at a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010.

Well, in a very clear sign that even though this year’s Presidential contest has yet to be resolved, many are already looking to 2010, since publishing my piece on Whitman, I have been literally barraged with e-mails from FR readers all around California letting me know that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has been out to their local community. In many instances, there have been glowing words of praise for Poizner as a candidate for Governor along with those e-mails.

After getting a… Read More

Meredith Turney

Tom McClintock’s Last Debate of Campaign Season

In the course of the race to fill the 4th Congressional District seat, I’ve attended several debates featuring Tom McClintock—both in the primary and the general elections. At each of these debates one fact is certainly confirmed; a fact that I’m sure many Californians familiar with McClintock would share: you can’t win a debate with Tom McClintock. Unfortunately for Democrat candidate Charlie Brown, the universal truth of one’s inability to best Tom McClintock’s debating skills was affirmed this evening at their final debate of the campaign. Appearing before a standing-room-only crowd at the Nevada County South Chamber event, both candidates commented that this was the best attended debate thus far in the general election.

Charlie Brown’s opening statement reiterated his campaign’s theme of his 26-year service in the United States Air Force. For those unfamiliar with the 4th Congressional District’s recent history, Charlie Brown challenged sitting Congressman John Doolittle in 2006 and came within just a few percentage points of ousting the incumbent. Focusing on Doolittle’s past connection to disgraced (and criminal) former lobbyist Jack Abramoff,… Read More

Matt Rexroad

More campaign stuff from a public entity

Lucky me. I just got my second e-mail from the High Speed Rail Commission on the benefits of Prop 1A without them actually mentioning Prop 1A.

This one covers the benefits to the areas of the state that were not mentioned in the previous e-mails.

These are taxpayer funded communications that are meant to influence the electorate and news coverage about the pending ballot measure.

This is legal but completely wrong. Just as wrong as it was last week when they sent the first e-mail.

See e-mail here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Special Session on Budget? Red Sharpie Time!

According to the Sacramento Bee, Governor Schwarzenegger is preparing to call a special session to deal with the massive, multi-billion dollar shortfall in this fiscal year’s budget (this doesn’t even address the even bigger shortfall anticipated for the FY 09-10 budget that would be adopted next year).

Apparently this session would be called in a couple of weeks (after the election) and it would impact the current legislature (many of whom will be departing from the legislature in early December).

We can only assume that this will be a “Live Within Our Means” belt tightening session, and I think that the resolve of this particular group of legislative Republicans to oppose any tax increases on Californians to resolve the negative impacts of a massive overspending problem is not only clear – but crystal clear.

So hopefully the Governor will open this special session by framing the issue as being the ongoing effects of spending more than we have (remember, state government spending ballooned over 40% in just three… Read More

James V. Lacy

ACORN; voter fraud and how Debra Bowen threatens our freedoms

“In my opinion, it is now becoming racketeering,” is how I described the voter registration fraud activities of ACORN, the liberal group, Barack Hussein Obama’s former client and current voter registration vendor, to a Christian Science Monitor reporter over the weekend. “That we see it now involving a multitude of states and a multitude of voters, I think at some level ACORN is becoming a criminal enterprise in its engagement of voter registration activities.” See

And there is plenty of proof that ACORN is mucking up the election to create more votes for Obama, even if they are going to be illegal votes. ACORN’s office in Las Vegas, Nevada (a swing state) was raided by government investigators last week. Claims are pending in 12 states about illegal voter registration activities, including registering one man 72 times who definitely lives in an Obama-leaning precinct.

And in the process of his… Read More

One man, one woman marriage edging out the alternative

A new SurveyUSA poll suggest that protecting traditional marriage is edging out gay marriage.

Conventional wisdom suggest that social issues take a back seat to the fiscal concerns of voters when times are tough. And these latest results suggest this is holding true this year. Generic support for traditional marriage runs 60%+ in California. Yet if SurveyUSA is right, voters seem to be distracted.

The poll shows Prop. 8 winning 48% over 45% who say they will vote no. Seven percent say they are still undecided.

There are no real surprises based on the various demographics…80% of pro-lifers support Prop. 8, 65% of those who regularly attend religious services support Prop. 8 and 55% of Bay Area voters oppose the initiative.

SurveyUSA is useful research tool, but I don’t trust the results entirely. Among my concerns is the fact that they interview people who are not registered to vote. In the case of this poll, 90 of the 800 Californian surveyed were not registered voters. I find all data interesting, but those 90 respondents skew the results and have no impact on the real outcome on Election Day. Results for how these… Read More

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