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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Katy Grimes

CA Dems Paint Rosy Picture of Failing California

The future of California is not looking as rosy as the state’s Democrat Party politicians want us to believe. Whenever challenged on the stability of his economy, Gov. Jerry Brown’s knee-jerk retort is, “Californiais the fifth largest economy on the planet,” as if the size of the economy in the most populous statein the nation is relevant. With nearly 40 million people, California now feels and looks like a Banana Republic in the cities, as well as rural areas in the state.

Whether you are forced to check the public defecation map to navigate the streets of San Francisco, are on the 57 freeway in Santa Ana looking at miles of homeless tent cities and camps, or you are dodging heroin-addicted homeless zombies around the State Capitol and on residential streets in Sacramento, the results are the same —Nearly one-third of the nation’s homeless population lives in… Read More

Katy Grimes

Lawsuit Hearing To Remove Xavier Becerra as California Attorney General

Should the powerful be allowed to ignore or change the laws they don’t agree with? Of course not. But that issue is at the heart of a lawsuit filed in May by former Attorney General candidate Eric Early against the unelected, appointed California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is running to keep his office. The case was heard Friday morning in Sacramento Superior Court.

When Becerra filed his election paperwork with the California Secretary of State, he represented that he was qualified for the position of Attorney General. However, according to Early, Becerra had been unlicensed by the California State Bar Association for 26 years when Gov. Jerry Brown appointed him, and continues to be unqualified for the elected position based on California Election Code.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s legal team however, admonished… Read More

Richard Rider

California — an anti-housing state — has lower home ownership rates than all but two states

Here’s the most recent figures on home ownership, by state. Not surprisingly, 47 states have higher homeownership rates than California. We are 48th. Hawaii — where everything but sun and surf has to be imported by boat or plane — is 49th. CA is essentially tied with Hawaii — or they are essentially tied with us (take your pick).

50th is NY. California politicians LOVE NY — the state that often keeps CA from being the worst at whatever.

I suppose some will be surprised that the Golden State is “only” 48th. Revel in our success.

One point must be made — it’s not the high demand in CA that keeps houses out of reach of many families. It’s government-imposed housing scarcity, combined with high CA building costs — especially huge building fees,

How scarce is CA housing? Consider: The housing is fare cheaper in Texas than CA for a reason. In Texas, government is friendly to home builders — rather… Read More

Richard Rider

CA public employee unions collect $900 MILLION annually in dues. MOST is spent on poltics.

The excellent analysis below from the CALIFORNIA POLICY CENTER (and my write-up) is a “must read” — especially for Californians. Unions rule. More specifically, GOVERNMENT unions rule.

Our CA state and local public employee labor unions collect about $900 million in dues annually. How does that spending affect politics? Consider:

Most projections of public employee labor union political power are limited to FEDERAL and sometimes STATE government REPORTED union spending. While it’s a huge factor (especially at the state level), it is DWARFED By government union political spending at the local level.

How much of the $900 million in annual CA public labor union dues is spent on politics? Nobody (outside of the union bosses) knows.

It’s carefully concealed by the unions — with government complicity. There is noRead More

Katy Grimes

Jerry Brown’s California: Socialist, Climate-Compulsive, Open Borders Utopia

Food or Fish, Liberty or Oppression, Victim or Fighter? We Californians have many decisions to make about our future, thanks to ourmaniacal third-World wanna-be dictator-Governor Jerry Brown –a childless Marxist, who cares only about himself. Brown has never lived a life that calls upon one to sacrifice for the benefit of one’s own… Read More

Katy Grimes

US Inspector General Report Implicates Recent CA Gubernatorial Candidate

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee June 18 on Horowitz’s review of the Hillary Clinton email investigation during the 2016 presidential race. However, thereis one explosive piece of information that isn’t getting much attention, and that’s the connection between Clinton campaign Political Director Amanda Renteria and Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch. If Amanda Renteria’s name rings a bell it’s because she also recently ran for California Governor in the primary election.

That the Clinton emails… Read More

Ray Haynes

Time to Stop Whining and Start Winning, Trump’s Victories Are Our Victories

I did not support Donald Trump in the primaries. I am now a full throated supporter and Donald Trump enthusiast. This last week in the Supreme Court has overcome any reservations I might have had. In the year and a half that he has been President, Trump has done more to advance the conservative cause than anyone else in recent memory. He is actually reaching (at least in my mind) Ronald Reagan territory.

Admittedly, he entered a different world than Reagan did. When Reagan began, conservatism and love of liberty was isolated to a few places in this country (and, by the way, the Republican Party was NOT one of those places). Reagan transformed the party and made conservatism and love of liberty rational and respectable. His sunny personality and calm demeanor moved conservatism into the mainstream and began a transformation in this country that is still ongoing. He also persuaded a young lawyer in Riverside that the Democrat party he had been a part of in his youth was not the way to make this country better. That young lawyer re-registered as a Republican and got himself elected in Riverside.

In my first term as a legislator, I introduced legislation to… Read More

Katy Grimes

Ministry of Truth: California Bills Would Create Fake News Advisory Commission

California Democrats author numerous ‘Fake News’ bills

Democrat California lawmakers are pushing legislation to create jack-boot agents of government through a “Fake News Advisory Council” – an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’ for the news they don’t like.

After having my Capitol Press Credential revoked in 2015 and only reissued after an Open Records Act request of 10-years of press… Read More

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