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Matthew J. Cunningham

NAACP Prez Alice Huffman V. Black Community On Prop. 8

The African-American community overwhelmingly supports Proposition, the Restore Marriage Initiative.

So it stands to reason that the venerable NAACP — the nation’s oldest African-American organization — would also be supportive of Proposition 8.

You’d think…

…but NAACP President Alice Huffman has come out against Proposition 8.

Now why would she go completely counter to the strong sentiment of the community whose interest she purports to advance?

Perhaps the answer is here. Alice Huffman’s public affairs consulting firm, AC Public Affairs, has recieved $198,000 by the No on * campaign.

Huffman has, in the past, accepted huge consulting fees to assist ballot measures that the NAACP has endorsed.

But for the NAACP president to take money to work against an initiative that is overwhelmingly supported by the very community for whom she holds herself out as a spokesperson?… Read More

Meredith Turney

CTA Continues its Support of Communists

Last week John McCain started utilizing an aptly descriptive title when referring to Barack Obama: “The Redistributor.” In two words, McCain accomplishes the dual goals of summarizing Obama’s communist plans and ridiculing them. With more and more focus now on Obama’s Marxist view of government (Thank you, Joe the Plumber), it should come as no surprise that the California Teachers Association is pouring money into electing Obama.

Earlier this year the CTA actively lobbied in favor of Senator Alan Lowenthal’s SB 1322, which would have prohibited schools from firing Bill Ayers-type teachers when they indoctrinate students with communist propaganda. By endorsing and campaigning for Barack Obama, the CTA continues their streak of supporting candidates and policies that are distinctly anti-American.

The following mailer is being dropped throughout California by the CTA and it bears an eerie resemblance to the disturbing “Obama kids” YouTube video featuring young children singing the praises of their great leader. Bill Ayres, Barack Obama and the CTA—are these the people we want in charge of… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fresno GOP Holds Off The Leftists

The Fresno County Republican Party, through a last minute push in voter registrations, held off the Socialist Workers Party of America, other wise known as the Democrats, by maintaining a 10,000 vote registration advantage as of the close of registration. Rumor has it that the Democrats have 110% of their eligible voters registered, slightly lower than Cleveland, Columbus, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Richmond and other cities where their subsidiary, ACORN, has been actively registering.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Myths and facts about Proposition 6

MYTH: Prop 6 will fill our jails and prisons.

FACT: While California’s prison system is certainly impacted, compared to other states California is about in the middle when it comes to prison population according to a study by the very liberal Pew Institute.

What’s great about Proposition 6 is that itincludes provisions to help the prison and county jail populations: It would allow counties that have population caps on jail populations – like LA, Fresno and Sacramento – to operate emergency jails for low-offending in-mates.

Proposition 6 takes great strides in providing meaningful prevention and intervention measures as well, such as funding GPS for gang members released from jail or prison.

Many counties are already using GPS – with great success – to monitor gang members. Not only does GPS allow law enforcement to know the whereabouts of gang members, it changes the behavior of the offender.

Napa County’s probation department is in the midst of testing GPS on a handful of juvenile offenders. Chief Probation Officer Mary Butler said the youths have now become law-abiding citizens; they are attending school and thus, have… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Morning News – Ad Watch!

8:30 to 9:00am broadcast tv, flipping to find commercials: Aguirre for City Attorney: 1 (saw several on Fox cable too) Liebham for Congress: 1 Bilbray for Congress: 2 McCann for Assembly: 7 Block for Assembly: 4 Evans/Jackson for school board: 3 Prop 2 Yes: 6 Prop 2 No: 2 Prop 3 Yes: 1 Prop 4 Yes: 1 Prp 4 No: 3 Prop 5 Yes: 1 Prop 7 Yes: 3 Prop 7 No: 3 Prop 8 Yes: 1 Prop 8 No: 2 Prop 11 Yes: 3 No on B: 1 Yes on S: 1 (this one is a school bond ad that stars a janitor talking about how much the school needs fixing then a bunch of rather unenthusiastic kids walk up behind him… one girl actually rolls her eyes as he is talking)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: ‘Election Deception,’ California-style

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

‘Election Deception,’ California-style

The profligate spending of California’s local governments means pols are going to extreme lengths to grab revenue. Voters in more than two dozen California jurisdictions, including Los Angeles and San Francisco, will be asked next week to approve telephone tax increases. Thanks to misleading summaries on local ballots, many will actually think they’re voting for tax cuts.

The California Taxpayers’ Association calls it "Deception 2008." Only two jurisdictions, Eureka and Seaside, appear to have legitimate phone tax repeals on the ballot.… Read More

Jill Buck

Let’s Win One for the Skipper…A Letter of Encouragement to Senator McCain

Dear Senator McCain,

Sir, I know the chances of you seeing this note are slim, but I want to send you a public letter of encouragement. I am so proud of you, and feel fortunate for every single day I’ve had the privilege of supporting you. I read “Faith of My Fathers” in 1999, and since then I’ve been 100% in your camp. You’ve never let me down for a second, and I have been delighted to hold you up as a role model to my three kids who have been involved in both of your presidential campaigns. In 2000, they were just babies, and they rode in their car seats while I dropped off yard signs once a week, and in that same minivan they have traveled to McCain events during this campaign. As a family, we watch you speak on TV, and they respond to your leadership and positive attitude with the same gusto that my husband and I do. My husband and I are both Veterans – he’s a jarhead and I’m a squid – and we wish that we could have served under you as our Commander-in-Chief. You are brave, strong, wise and judicious, and that is why I believe you will undoubtedly be America’s choice on Tuesday.

Sir, I was part of your California campaign through Super… Read More

Real World Economics–By the Numbers

Nothing puts politics and the cost of public policy in perspective like the numbers–especially when reviewing the cold hard cash costs of doing business.

Most of us are Facebook users and also recognize its brand of social and interactive networking media are the future of communications and relationship building. But it’s success shows what an increased cost of doing business might mean.

According to a post I saw by Michael Arrington, Facebook "is likely to be spending well over $1 million per month on electricity alone…[B]andwith is likely another $500,000 or more per month on top of that. The company has earmarked $100 million to buy 50,000 servers this year and next…. At up to $2 million each, that adds up quickly–we’ve heard estimates that they may have spent as much as $30 million thi syear alone…earmak another $15 million per year in office and datacenter rent payments."

He continues: "And don’t forget those human assets. With 750 employees and growing, Facebook is epsnding at least another $10 million per month on payroll.… Read More

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