Using Tolerance to Promote Tolerance
No, this isn’t about Gandhi. But you have to admit, the following reader comments posted today to Chris Reed’s America’s Finest Blog entry on Prop8, are about as hilariously "ironical" as you’ll find….
Jenny (excerpted): "I’m a liberal democrat, and support Prop 8. I’ve supported gay rights since I was a teenager, but over the past few years, I’ve had my eyes opened to the cold hard facts that the gay activists are more interested in grinding an axe against the religious, than any kind of equality. Today for example, reading comments to an article online, I read comments by gays waging the no on prop 8 battle online, shrilly excusing the attack against a man who was only handing out lawn signs outside of a church, by a gay man who tried to steal the signs. The comments included that the religious don’t have rights, that they should get over it, and accept the fact that they would be challenged now at every turn and subject to derision.
"Those were the words of a… Read More