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Katy Grimes

#MeToo Fails Falsely Accused State Employees in Jerry Brown’s Corrupt CA

A state of unrestrained political corruption is known as akleptocracy, literally meaning “rule by thieves.”

The failure of the #MeToo movement to offer any sincere or legitimate help to women who have actually been sexually harassed is notable, particularly in the state government workplace – and in the California Legislature with the many harassers who are still employed. In Gov. Jerry Brown’s California, the tail is wagging the dog in state employment, helped along with gross media complicity.

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Katy Grimes

California Burns: The “New Normal” Thanks to Obama Era Environmental Regulations

ByMegan Barth and Katy Grimes

“Hotter, drier, longer forest fires we are witnessing today have nothing to do with ‘dangerous manmade climate change. They have a lot to do with idiotic forest mismanagement policies and practices.”

Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor, CFACT

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Richard Rider

UPDATED! CA vs. the Other States — dreary but annotated

Here’s the UPDATED figures on my dreary, annotated fact sheet comparing CA with the other states on 35 economic issues. I constantly update my Word file, but seldom update this blog copy.

The news, as you would expect, is not good. Tons of useful facts for this upcoming election — useful for those who disagree with our “Workers’ Paradise” model of government.

Share this valuable information with other Californians. Difficult reading, but worth it. Just don’t overdose by reading all of it in one sitting. More

Katy Grimes

Part ll: Conspiracy of in Silence Catholic Dioceses

The conspiracy of silence in the Catholic Church over scandals involving sex, homosexuality, cover-ups, payouts, betrayal, and corruption have left many Catholics disillusioned and even angry.Corruption wears many disguises, including liturgical garments.

As Part l of “Conspiracy of Silence in Catholic Dioceses” addressed, Sacramento Bishop Jaime Soto is one such cover-up agent, according to many area Catholics – not just many Catholics, but every Catholic in the region… Read More

Katy Grimes

Conspiracy of Silence in Sacramento Catholic Diocese

The conspiracy of silence in the Catholic Church over scandals involving sex, homosexuality, cover-ups, payouts, betrayal, and corruption have left many Catholics disillusioned and even angry.

Corruption wears many disguises, including liturgical garments.

There is a cancer in the Catholic Church that needs to be eradicated. The cancer is not Catholicism, rather it is about the dangerous, corrupt behavior in too many of the Bishops.The traditional role of a bishop is as head of a diocese – the buck stops with the Bishop.

The recent exposure of the sexual abuse and predatory lifestyle of Cardinal Ted McCarrick of Washington D.C. was overdue. The Harvey Weinstein-like situation where “everyone knew” of “Uncle Ted’s” decades of predatory behavior “that involve unwanted touching of minors and seminarians, strange costumes, familial nicknames, and the Cardinal demanding that young men share his bed. Stories that involve “gay sex parties at the bishop’s residence”, and other things we’d… Read More

Katy Grimes

John Cox Takes On California’s ‘Out-of-Touch Elites’

California Gubernatorial candidate John Cox has a message for California voters: “Help is on the way.”

If you ask Cox what he’s talking about, you’ll get a very clear answer: “Once the land of promise and opportunity, California today is on the brink of financial insolvency, thanks to the failed policies of the Jerry Brown Liberal Politicians.”

“All around the world people are rising up against corruption in government. … I’m going to clean out the barn in Sacramento,”Cox told Fox News… Read More

Katy Grimes

‘New Way California’ is Wrong Way

An odd group of Republican centrists and political has-beens formedNew Way Californiaearlier this year. They claim New Way is needed because they are “committed to policies that increase opportunities for all Californians.”

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Katy Grimes

The Sniveling Outbursts of the Lefty Toddler Media

Some years back, during the George W. Bush administration, I remember Dennis Prager explaining the toddler-like hysterics of the left: “If you want to understand the Left, the best place to start is with an understanding of hysteria. Leading leftists either use hysteria as a political tactic or are actually hysterics.”

Flash forward a dozen years to 2018 and it appears that the hysterical left is even more unhinged — think of a hitting, kicking, biting, scratching toddler in a tantrum.

Kids have temper tantrums because the parts of their brain that allows them to think logically isn’t developed yet.Parenting expertsrecommend appealing to your toddler’s emotions as you try to stop the tantrum. Instead of asking logical questions like, “Why are you crying,” and “Use… Read More

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