Today’s Commentary: Rep. Wally Herger The Best Man For Ranking Member of Ways & Means – Launches New Website
In early December, a new Republican Ranking Member of the House Ways and Means Committee will be elected, with the current top GOPer on this key House Committee, Jim McCrery of Louisiana, retiring at the end of this term. The race to succeed McCrery has developed into a two-man competition, between Californian Wally Herger, who is next highest in seniority on the Committee, and Michigan Congressman David Camp.
I have known Congressman Herger for nearly two decades, and he is the kind of Reagan conservative that House Republicans need to elevate to these important posts as we work to re-earn our brand name as being a party of true fiscal conservatism. Congressman Herger is the kind of strong and articulate conservative that is essential in order to take on the notoriously liberal Chairman of the Committee, New York liberal Charlie Rangel who is infamous for his egregious Monument To Me earmark to create the Rangel Center at a College in his District (to house his… Read More