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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: California Republican Party Adopts Strong Resolution Critical of Governor’s Proposed Tax Increases

Last September, the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party took the extraordinary step of passing a resolution urging Governor Schwarzenegger to stand with Republican legislators against tax increases. We did this in response to the Governor’s flagrant violation of the "no taxes" pledge on which he ran for office – twice.

Unfortunately, Governor Schwarzenegger did not, as the State GOP had hoped, stop being an advocate for higher taxes on Californians. On the contrary, not too long ago, the Governor had the audacity to propose over $4 billion in tax increase and new taxes.

In response to this, on Friday the CRP Board of Directors passed a much more direct resolution concerning the Governor’s obsession with increasing the tax burden of all Californians. The resolution passed on a vote of 14-2.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Republican Party Adopts Strong Resolution Critical of Governor’s Proposed Tax Increases

Last September, the Board of Directors of the California Republican Party took the extraordinary step of passing a resolution urging Governor Schwarzenegger to stand with Republican legislators against tax increases. We did this in response to the Governor’s flagrant violation of the "no taxes" pledge on which he ran for office – twice.

Unfortunately, Governor Schwarzenegger did not, as the State GOP had hoped, stop being an advocate for higher taxes on Californians. On the contrary, not too long ago, the Governor had the audacity to propose over $4 billion in tax increase and new taxes.

In response to this, on Friday the CRP Board of Directors passed a much more direct resolution concerning the Governor’s obsession with increasing the tax burden of all Californians. The resolution passed on a vote of 14-2.

In America, political parties are defined by their candidates and officeholders. Governor Schwarzenegger, with his proposals to increase taxes, is doing great harm to the Republican brand… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State GOP to Arnold: We’ve had enough

The State Republican Party Board of Directors has passed a resolution calling for Governor Schwarzenegger to rescind his call for any tax increase to meet current budget obligations. This is a long overdue, and crucial step for the State’s Republicans.

A little history lesson is in order here. The first two years of Arnold’s term, star-struck Republican Legislators and party members gave the Governor a free pass on about everything. In 2006, after a sharp turn to the far left, the governor ran a re-election campaign that completely ignored his downticket running mates. During the 2006 and 2007 legislative sessions he alienated Republican legislators and put no effort into forming the type of relationships he now needs to navigate the State’s budget crisis.

Arnold wasn’t done, though. He ran the State Party into the red in 2006 by millions, and then reneged on helping the Party repay its debt and reload for the 2008 cycle. All of these circumstances have created the current situation: an unpopular Governor, politically isolated, with nowhere to turn. Instead, he runs around mindlesslyRead More

Ray Haynes

California Does Deserve a Stimulus

Speaker Bass wrote a column in the Sacramento Bee today calling for a "stimulus package" for California. Her solution? Give the state more federal welfare. Since the state’s financial problems have been caused by overspending, poor fiscal management of the tax dollars entrusted to them, and a complete lack of self control, you would expect the President and Congress to say no to this outlandish demand. However, since neither the President nor Congress have said no to the completely self indulgent behavior of the private sector, the Speaker’s request might actually be considered.

The Speaker claims that the state has "cut" spending by $15 billion. Only in budget la-la land doublespeak can one claim that a $2 billion increase in spending is a $15 billion cut. The fact is this problem was caused by overspending and will only be solved by real spending reductions. Not reductions to the baseline, not reductions on projected spending increases, not "we want to spend $120 billion, but we only have enough revenue to justify $105 billion so we have to cut $15 billion in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: CA GOP Blasts “Status Quo” With Re-Election of Boehner, McConnell

The Leadership of the California Republican Party has sent a strong message to House Republicans — stop facilitating the growth of the federal government! The Board of Directors of the California Republican Party, which met yesterday in San Diego, passed the resolution below after a lengthy debate. Authored by yours truly (as the Vice Chairman, South, of the State GOP), this resolution expressed the California Republican Party’s concern with House Republicans re-electing the same leader, John Boehner of Ohio, who has presided over our losses and shown little ability to lead House Republicans into a cohesive group that sticks together on the issues, big and small. The resolution also questions the pending re-election of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell as the leader of Senate Republicans — McConnell having famously won a narrow re-election this month on a campaign promoting earmarking.

The ability of the fifty state political parties (and their subdivisions) to do our job — registering voters and getting out the vote — has been severely damaged because the American people no longer see the Republican Party as standing for lower taxes,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CA GOP Blasts “Status Quo” With Re-Election of Boehner, McConnell

The Leadership of the California Republican Party has sent a strong message to House Republicans — stop facilitating the growth of the federal government! The Board of Directors of the California Republican Party, which met yesterday in San Diego, passed the resolution below after a lengthy debate. Authored by yours truly (as the Vice Chairman, South, of the State GOP), this resolution expressed the California Republican Party’s concern with House Republicans re-electing the same leader, John Boehner of Ohio, who has presided over our losses and shown little ability to lead House Republicans into a cohesive group that sticks together on the issues, big and small. The resolution also questions the pending re-election of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell as the leader of Senate Republicans — McConnell having famously won a narrow re-election this month on a campaign promoting earmarking.

The ability of the fifty state political parties (and their subdivisions) to do our job — registering voters and getting out the vote — has been severely damaged because the American people no longer see the Republican Party as standing for lower taxes,… Read More

Meredith Turney

Tom McClintock Wins 4th CD Race

Almost all the votes have been calculated in the 4th CD race and with the major counties finally reporting, Tom McClintock has won. The largest county in the district, Placer, finished tabulating today, adding 1,464 votes to McClintock’s lead. McClintock now leads overall with 1,793 votes. In a press release issued this evening, the campaign announced that the vote tally “mathematically ensures” McClintock’s victory. The most unfriendly county to the McClintock campaign, Nevada, finished their counting today, thus ensuring the Republican victory. An official victory declaration from the campaign will be announced in just a matter of days.

Congratulations to the McClintock campaign, especially the outstanding staff. Also, many volunteers helped with the post-election ballot count watching—it’s not glamorous work and their dedication is commendable. Although it was delayed a few weeks, the inevitable has been realized and Tom McClintock is now our congressman-elect.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State GOP Raises $33 Million In 8 Mos. — Ends Election In The Black

I am at a State GOP Board meeting, and here is some information worth sharing…

The California Republican Party raised over $33 million in the last eight months alone, which which allowed us to fully fund out Victory Program here in California, send $3 million out to the battleground states of Nevada and Colorado, and retain enough cash on hand to stay in the black and continue to operate a permanent campaign structure.

On what was a very bad election day nationally for Republicans, I can only imagine the losses we would have suffered in California without these resources.… Read More

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