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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Send the President an E-mail — Reject Duke Cunningham’s Request for a Pardon!

On this quiet Saturday of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, there really isn’t much by way of California political news in the main stream media. So if you are looking for something productive to do with your sleepy day, here is something to occupy about two minutes of your time, and you will have done your conscience, and your country a favor.

There are lots of stories in the news about potential Presidential pardons — it’s that time of the cycle when a lame-duck President is leaving office and is considering requests from hundreds, if not thousands of convicted felons.

Believe it or not, one of those requesting a pardon from the President is notorious ex-Congressman Randall "Duke" Cunningham. You may remember him. This was the elected Member of Congress who used his office to literally "sell" America. He was brazen enough to use his seniority in Congress to direct federal pork spending to buyers for the right price. He famously even wrote up a cafeteria… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Legislators Are Kindergartners — Republican Legislators are Oompa Loompas!

Earlier this week, the Governor referred to state legislators who couldn’t come to an agreement on a fix to the out-of-whack state budget as “kindergartens” and summarily gave them a grade of “F” – gee, thanks, Gov.

Unfortunately, the Governor cast a wide net with his slam on the legislature, blasting legislative Republicans (one of his favorite penchants) in addition to the liberal Democrats who bear most (but not all) of the blame for profligate overspending of many years that has taken us to the brink of a state government financial melt-down.

For years and years (and years and years) the liberals who control the state legislature have pursued, with a voracious and unquenchable appetite, a drive make state government bigger and bigger. They have spent years and years coming up with “solutions” for any potential woe facing the state by going to the same jukebox and playing the same songs they always play. You know… Tunes like, “Let’s Create A New Agency,” or “Let’s create more regulations and increase… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats Legislators Are Kindergartners — Republican Legislators are Oompa Loompas!

Earlier this week, the Governor referred to state legislators who couldn’t come to an agreement on a fix to the out-of-whack state budget as “kindergartens” and summarily gave them a grade of “F” – gee, thanks, Gov.

Unfortunately, the Governor cast a wide net with his slam on the legislature, blasting legislative Republicans (one of his favorite penchants) in addition to the liberal Democrats who bear most (but not all) of the blame for profligate overspending of many years that has taken us to the brink of a state government financial melt-down.

For years and years (and years and years) the liberals who control the state legislature have pursued, with a voracious and unquenchable appetite, a drive make state government bigger and bigger. They have spent years and years coming up with “solutions” for any potential woe facing the state by going to the same jukebox and playing the same songs they always play. You know… Tunes like, “Let’s Create A New Agency,” or “Let’s create more regulations and increase… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Dan Logue on the need to Decentralize California Government

As a special Thanksgiving holiday treat, I am pleased to share with FR readers this outstanding column penned for the FlashReport by Dan Logue. Dan, an oustanding conservative from the North State was elected to the California State Assembly earlier this month, and will be sworn in next week. Once you read this column, I am sure you will agree with me that Dan is headed to Sacramento with the right philosophy and mindset to help provide real solutions to the challenges facing Golden State government…


Throughout the recent election season, Californians have been hearing – and making their voices heard – aboutRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Dan Logue on the need to Decentralize California Government

As a special Thanksgiving holiday treat, I am pleased to share with FR readers this outstanding column penned for the FlashReport by Dan Logue. Dan, an oustanding conservative from the North State was elected to the California State Assembly earlier this month, and will be sworn in next week. Once you read this column, I am sure you will agree with me that Dan is headed to Sacramento with the right philosophy and mindset to help provide real solutions to the challenges facing Golden State government…

DECENTRALIZE CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT Assemblyman-Elect Dan Logue Throughout the recent election season, Californians have been hearing – and making their voices heard – about the need for change at the… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, since no on else has said it on the FR today, Happy Thanksgiving! With all the problems we have in this state, the good still far outpaces the unpleasant. We should all remember in our prayers those overseas in defense of our ideals; those that are in mourning with one less place setting at todays holiday meal due to the loss of a loved one, a soldier, fallen for our freedom. And thankfulness that our homeland is safe from the type of awful terrorism that is happening in India right now. We live in a great state and great country, for that we can always find a reason to be thankful. God bless America and have a great day and safe travels.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Hollywood Blacklist : We are all Mormons

Richard Raddon, LA Film Festival’s director was hounded from his job because he is a Mormon who gave $1500.00 to a proposition that supports that marriage is between a man and a woman. Scott Eckern, Artisticdirector of the California Musical Theater, for 26 years earned the wrath of the Gay Fascist Left who demanded his head. Eckern also a Mormon was forced out of his job. His actionwas to write a check for $1000 for Proposition 8. His sister is a lesbian and they are close. But he… Read More

Jon Fleischman

They Call Him Senator Strickland!

Congratulations to State Senator-Elect Tony Strickland. We just heard from FR friend Bob Haueter, who has been on the ground there. Tony has an 801 vote lead and all that remains to count are a couple hundred LA County ballots, which will only widen his lead. Outstanding news!… Read More

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