Will the Governor reject an end-run on the 2/3 vote for tax hikes?
From what I have been told, today the State Legislature will take up a Democrat-only drafted budget "fix" that includes BILLIONS in tax increases, and they will do so using trickery that will require only a majority vote for passage. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a current court ruling that says that the State Constitution’s requirement for a 2/3 vote for a tax increase does not apply to what bureaucrats call a fee.
You and I as lay persons would think of a fee as like what you pay to go into a state park. Okay, fine, so increasing a fee for services received by someone going into a park takes a majority vote? Right. But this idea of differentiating a "fee" from a "tax" has been taking to extreme and massive levels by Sacramento liberals. For example, what you and I call the car tax — that you pay annually when you register your car — they would call a fee. They would argue that the funds from your "car fee" go to provide services with a nexus to your driving (roads, etc). And they then make the case that this fee requires only a majority, not a 2/3 vote.
Apparently the… Read More