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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Announces Slew of Local GOP County Chairmen Endorsements

Amidst the chaos of overspending crisis in Sacramento, I wanted to highlight an announcement from the Poizner for Governor campaign. They have released an impressive list of eighteen current County Republican Party Chairmen from all around the Golden State who are early endorsers of his bid.

"Who are they?"

Glad you asked, they are: Karna Boyer, Sutter County; Joan Clendenin, Stanislaus County; Joseph Day, Tuolumne County; Margaret Dominici, Shasta County; Prudence Eiland, Kings County; Howard Epstein, San Francisco County; Dale Fritchen, San Joaquin County; Tom Hudson, Placer County; Morgan Kelly, Marin County; Karen King, San Mateo County; Janet Kirtlink, Napa County; Brian Leach, Glenn County; Bob Richmond, Riverside County; Jim Rooney, Amador County; Ken Say, Tehama County; John Steizmiller, El Dorado County; Thaddeus Taylor, Inyo County; Steve Thompson, Butte County; and Bob Vile, Calaveras County.

Poizner also announced the endorsement of Linda Boyd, who was the long time Chairman of the Los Angeles County Republican Central Committee.

The list is most impressive as it has Chairmen who I would characterize as strong… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Governor Needs To Reject This End-Run On Proposition 13

There isn’t much point in my expending a lot of time this morning chastising Senate and Assembly Democrats for their plans, this morning, to try to stick Californians with billions of dollars in new taxes, using some scheme where they brazenly attempt to navigate around the State Constitution’s requirement for a 2/3 vote to raise taxes. Through sleight of hand and bizarre terminology, Democrats are planning to hike the state’s income, gas, and car taxes (and that’s not all) — and do it with a majority vote (Republican legislators have appropriately and boldly said NO to any tax increases to solve a chronic overspending problem).

It seems to me that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the one in the spotlight here. The Governor has already called for the legislature to increase taxes by billions of dollars as part of a package that he put forward designed to close the overspending gap not only with spending cuts but also with new taxes. Yeah, we get that. It’s disappointing, but we get it.

But this Proposition 13 end-run that is being quarterbacked by Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Governor Needs To Reject This End-Run On Proposition 13

There isn’t much point in my expending a lot of time this morning chastising Senate and Assembly Democrats for their plans, this morning, to try to stick Californians with billions of dollars in new taxes, using some scheme where they brazenly attempt to navigate around the State Constitution’s requirement for a 2/3 vote to raise taxes. Through sleight of hand and bizarre terminology, Democrats are planning to hike the state’s income, gas, and car taxes (and that’s not all) — and do it with a majority vote (Republican legislators have appropriately and boldly said NO to any tax increases to solve a chronic overspending problem).

It seems to me that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the one in the spotlight here. The Governor has already called for the legislature to increase taxes by billions of dollars as part of a package that he put forward designed to close the overspending gap not only with spending cuts but also with new taxes. Yeah, we get that. It’s disappointing, but we get it.

But this Proposition 13 end-run that is being quarterbacked by Senate President Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker Karen Bass… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Bondage-Highway Funding Vs. Frivolous Spending

With the budget standoff that never really ended this year, we now see the call for stopping spending on infrastructure, because the Assembly and Senate did not come to agreement on tax increase scams [yet]or any other budget fixes. [it was fun to see that the 4 new Dem Assembly members that took over seats previously held by Republicans abstained on the tax increase vote]

When the going gets tough, and taxpayers jobs are in peril, their hours are cut back, their take home pay isn’t stretching as far as it used to in a tough economy…the answer by the Sacramento political class is tax them and their employers even more. If they refuse, [as they have been making very clear to their elected officials, "do not tax me more"] then the response by Democrat leaders is, "fine, we’ll cut what you care about most"

The threats to law enforcement funding, keeping criminals locked up and now in today’s news, cutting the $ allocated to infrastructure that voters demand is the latest slap at them in this hostage situation to extract more car tax or sales tax dollars, [or even taxing… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California’s Spending Crisis: Our Budget System Needs to be Fixed

Despite what you are hearing in the news these days, taxpayers are not to blame for California’s recurring budget crisis. Trust me on this one.

Overspending is built into our state’s budget system and the Democrats have long insisted that Republicans in the Legislature are simply obstructionists blocking the passage of state budgets filled with spending increases. They argue that if the two-thirds vote requirement was abolished, California would have on-time and fully-funded budgets. Even Governor Schwarzenegger has suggested that he might support eliminating the two-thirds vote requirement for passing a budget bill.

The voters of California reaffirmed their strong support of the two-thirds threshold by rejecting Proposition 56 in March of 2004 by a resounding 66% to 34%.

Well, we have learned that in California politics, if at first you do not succeed, just rig the system to get what you want—that is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do with their budget proposal. They have devised and schemed up a proposals that rob or eliminate voter-supported initiatives—such as Proposition 42 funds for transportation projects—and added fees on the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Billions In New Taxes On A Majority Vote??

FR readers HAVE to check out the details on how Democrats plan on raising income taxes, the car tax, gas taxes and more — without a 2/3 vote.

This is sick.

I’ve been intently looking for a statement from our Republican Governor announcing that such an end-run against the spirit of the 2/3 vote for new taxes would be DOA. Still waiting..… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Office Responds to Jennifer

In response to Jennifer Nelson’s post below, the Governor’s office has responded. Below is a brief commentary from David Crane, Special Advisor to Governor Schwarzenegger on Jobs and the Economy…

Today, the Pooled Money Investment Board had to shut off financing to public works projects because of the Legislature’s failure to act on the revenue shortfall. The Governor has been pushing for quick action since income tax revenues suddenly dropped. It’s because Legislative Democrats and Republicans can’t come together to find common ground in making up for this sudden revenue loss that tens of thousands of Californians face the possibility of layoffs this holiday season. As far as the Governor’s record on budget reform goes, from day one ofRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Bold Changes Should Prevent Another Crisis

This was published in today’s edition of Investor’s Business Daily. It outlines a few of my thoughtsand ideason the path towardsrestructuring our financial regulatory system.

Bold Changes Should Prevent Another CrisisBy REP. JOHN CAMPBELL

The credit markets continue to unfreeze. The general economy continues to sink. There are new stock market lows and unemployment highs and we don’t know where and how it will all end.

But it will end. And we need to start thinking about what regulatory structure will replace the one that failed us so miserably this time. We came perilously close to an abyss (or collapse or Armageddon, depending on who is describing it).

I looked down into that abyss and what I saw was way scarier than any Stephen King movie. Therefore, I think we need dramatic changes to ensure that this sort of calamity does not befall us again.… Read More

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