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Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Office Responds

This came in from the Governor’s office in response to my blog post below:

The Governor has said time and again that he is philosophically opposed to tax increases. He hates tax increases. And he has said that a down economy is not a good time to raise taxes. But he never signed an anti-tax pledge because he said that emergency circumstances might require a tax increase. Every Californian understands that we are currently faced with an emergency: an international financial crisis. And this Governor has responded with a balanced approached to reducing its impact on California – half budget cuts, half revenue increases, and an economic stimulus package to help counteract any negative consequences of those actions. Republican Governors Reagan, Deukmejian, and Wilson raised taxes in economic climates far less severe than what we face today. In addition, with the implementation of the cuts proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger in the special session, he will have limited general fund spending more than any governor in modern history (see 3.2% in chart). These facts areRead More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Abandons GOP On Taxes, Then Throws Rocks?

Earlier today Governor Schwarzenegger held a press conference, blasting state legislators for not resolving the budget crisis. We’re on our way to "fiscal armageddon" he said, announcing that the state’s fiscal hole is getting deeper by about $40 million each and every day that goes by without a resolution. Yeah, we get that.

But the Governor is living in a very simplistic world if he thinks that, from his first floor conference room, he can blast away indiscriminately at "the legislature" and expect that this is going to resolve the substantial differences that divide Democrats who want to raise taxes, and Republicans who — don’t, and won’t.

Frankly, I don’t see where the Governor is really accomplishing much of anything. He was clearly elected with a mandate from the voters to oppose new taxes, and yet has thrown that to the wind as he has developed some sort of "Solomon like" simplistic view of resolving the state’s fiscal woes — "let’s figure out the level of the program and cut half of it,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund: Is California Governable?

SEIU’s Plan for Belt-tightening (For You, Not SEIU)

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Ray Haynes


History. That is the secret to the budget solution in this case. It is a real simple solution. A difficult one politically, but simple in its explanation.

This is how it is done. First, get a reasonable estimate of the revenue. Second, find the last budget year in which that amount of revenue was received by the state. Next, find the budget from that year, and go through it line item by line item. Finally, set the budget amounts of each line item this year at that year’s level. That is the solution. There can be variations on that theme. The money from line items that are eliminated or reduced because those items are not that important can be added to other items so that the hit on those items is not as great, but the baseline can be that year.

Here is the good news. I haven’t done the research, but I can just about guarantee that the year in which the baseline can be set will be one of the last three years. Look at budget year 2005-06, or 06-07, or even 07-08, the year is one of those three. Wind back the hands of time. The world didn’t collapse because of spending levels in those years, people could understand and… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The shame of California’s foster care system

The recent story about the boy who was held for a year against his will in Tracy and physically abused should make our state leaders reflect on the success of our child welfare system and how serious the courts deal with child abuse.

The facts around this case are horrifying. The boy was sent to live with his “aunt” Caren Ramirez (although authorities now say that there is no relation) after his being removed from his father’s care because of abuse. It’s unclear from press account how he was placed with Ramirez, but after Ramirez daughter called authorities to report the abuse, the boy was sent to a foster care home and Ramirez was jailed. Eighteen months later, the boy ran away from the home in Tracy where Ramirez and two other adults had been brutally abusing him.

Just last September, the Bay Area was rattled by the death of a 15-year-old foster child in her aunt’s care.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nielson, Fletcher, Miller Tapped by Villines

14 of the 29 Assembly Republicans serve in a broad leadership structure that is hand-picked by Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines.

Today Villines announced his team and we'll start by going straight to the most interesting picks first — who did Villines tap to represent the large freshman class on his leadership team? Serving as Whips are Assemblyman Jim Nielson (not surprising as he is a former State Senator), Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, and my own Assemblyman, Jeff Miller. Congratulations to all three of you!

Last week Villines announced that his #2, serving as Caucus Chairman, is Cameron Smyth. Rounding out the team: Floor Manager: Sam Blakeslee. Assistant Leaders: Roger Niello, Bill Emmerson, Van Tran, Martin Garrick and Ted Gaines. Chief Republican Whips: Anthony Adams, Chuck DeVore and Jean Fuller.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Newest Gibbons

The FlashReport would like to extend congratulations to Jennifer and Dhillon Gibbons on the arrival of their newest family member, Rusty (pictured right). May your newborn bring you years of love and joy! Jennifer is Communications Director for Assembly Republicans and Dhillon is the Chief of Staff to freshman GOP Assemblywoman Connie Conway. I am sure both would appreciate words of congratulations, and any "parenting’ advice…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tuesday TidBits: Endorsed by San Diego GOP, Abolish CalHFA, Embarrassed by W.

Yesterday at a rare, joint meeting of the California State Senate and Assembly, lawmakers were treated to a admonishment by state finance officials about the dire circumstances facing the State of California. It’s a bad situation, made worse for every day that action isn’t taken. The question is whether the Democrats who dominate the legislature now truly understand the gravity of the situation and are ready to take a reasoned approach to making significant cuts in state government – we’re talking about ideas like eliminating functions of state government Last night, the San Diego County Republican Party unanimously endorsed my candidacy for re-election as Vice-Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. The Southern Region includes Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Imperial Counties, and contains about 1/5 of the state’s 1500 or so State Central Committee Members. Last month I was unanimously endorsed by the Orange County Republican Party. Recently I announced my re-election campaign, and listed my prominent GOP … Read More

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