SEIU Offends Taxpayers
SEIU’s response to the Governor’s executive order regarding state employees is so typical and predictable, but I find it thoroughly offensive this time. Usually, I can’t bring myself to emote over their antics, but today I’m fuming.
The business section of today’s Valley Times newspaper gave data to support my gut feeling for several weeks…the East Bay is taking the brunt of the unemployment burdens for the Bay Area, and is in fact, outpacing the state’s monthly unemployment rate by more than 2 to 1. The article by George Avalos states, “During the last 12 months, the Bay Area has lost 31,200 jobs. The East Bay accounted for 72 percent of all the jobs lost in the nine-county region in the last year. That is a stunning reversal from recent years, when the East Bay was the employment engine of the Bay Area economy, sometimes producing more than half the jobs in the Bay Area.”
It’s getting tough in my neighborhood. At every gathering I attend, the conversation always turns to either who has lost their job or who is afraid they will. Families are having a very tough time, and these are hard working people who have put in 60-80 hours a week to… Read More