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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jill Buck

Part II: Will Recycling in the U.S. become another casualty of the Economy?

On December 10th, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) held an emergency workshop in Sacramento to address growing concerns that the recycling industry may grind to a halt if recyclers cannot find markets for the material they are keeping out of our landfills. With the world economy in tumult, the typical buyers who keep the recycling market alive have arrested purchasing, causing a stockpile of recyclable material that brokers must warehouse. If they cannot find a place to sell those materials, will they end up glutting our nation’s landfills? Today on Go Green Radio, I’ll talk with Margo Reid Brown, Chairman of the CIWMB, about this impending crisis. Tune into at 9 a.m. to hear the show live, or check out the archived podcast later today at More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: HJTA’s Coupal Comments on Formation of Tax Review Panel

Yesterday the Governor announced the twelve person membership of a special state task force that is being charged with reviewing the way that the tax system works in California, with the idea of recommending an overhaul to try and move away from the current volatile system where tax revenues are very mercurial, shooting up and down depending on external factors.

We’ll be writing more next week about this Commission, but FR reached out to one of California’s leading tax policy experts, Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, for his reaction to the formal formation of the panel.

Perhaps in another time, and another place, I would be more sanguine about the formation of a commission to review California’s broken tax structure. But if there were ever a reason to be skeptical, it is on full display in the manner inRead More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA’s Coupal Comments on Formation of Tax Review Panel

Yesterday the Governor announced the twelve person membership of a special state task force that is being charged with reviewing the way that the tax system works in California, with the idea of recommending an overhaul to try and move away from the current volatile system where tax revenues are very mercurial, shooting up and down depending on external factors.

We’ll be writing more next week about this Commission, but FR reached out to one of California’s leading tax policy experts, Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, for his reaction to the formal formation of the panel.

Perhaps in another time, and another place, I would be more sanguine about the formation of a commission to review California’s broken tax structure. But if there were ever a reason to be skeptical, it is on full display in the manner inRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR Rebuttal – A Response to the Governor

Yesterday I blogged in response to the Governor’s throwing rocks at Republican legislators over their resolute stand against rewarding the chronic overspending with tax increases. The Governor’s office responded here. I figured that I should, in turn, respond to the Governor… So read on… Numbers can be manipulated all you want to make the Governor seem like he is a fiscal champion, but the fact remains that spending has increased by over 30 percent under Schwarzenegger, from $78.6 billion when the Governor took office to $103.3 billion today. (See the Legislative Analyst’s Historical Expenditure Chart here.)

We know that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hollingsworth, Walters, Garrick, Harkey, Nielson and Duvall endorse Poizner

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner this morning is announcing a group of new legislative endorsements in his campaign for Governor. They are State Senators Dennis Hollingsworth and Mimi Walters, and State Assemblymembers Martin Garrick, Diane Harkey, Jim Nielson and Mike Duvall.

By my count, this brings Poizner to the point of having over 70% of the sitting Republicans in the legislature as backers of his bid — pretty impressive, I think.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Denham To Formally Launch LG Bid Today – Will Release Impressive Line-Up Of Support

Later today, State Senator Jeff Denham will formally announce his candidate to be the next Lieutenant Governor of California, according to sources close to the FlashReport. Denham has become rather legendary within GOP donor and activist circles because of the failed attempt to recall him from office because of his leadership in opposing new taxes to resolve the state’s fiscal woes. As someone who follows Golden State politics closely, I welcome Denham into this race as his moxie, and straight-forward style are much desired with a party in need of solid representatives, who will clearly articulate the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

Denham is a tough and aggressive campaigner who has carried his huge Democratic-leaning Senate district – which spans the Central Valley to the Monterey Coast – 3 times. Denham was first elected in 2002 and re-elected in a landslide in 2006. As I mentioned above,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Denham To Formally Launch LG Bid Today – Will Release Impressive Line-Up Of Support

Later today, State Senator Jeff Denham will formally announce his candidate to be the next Lieutenant Governor of California, according to sources close to the FlashReport. Denham has become rather legendary within GOP donor and activist circles because of the failed attempt to recall him from office because of his leadership in opposing new taxes to resolve the state’s fiscal woes. As someone who follows Golden State politics closely, I welcome Denham into this race as his moxie, and straight-forward style are much desired with a party in need of solid representatives, who will clearly articulate the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

Denham is a tough and aggressive campaigner who has carried his huge Democratic-leaning Senate district – which spans the Central Valley to the Monterey Coast – 3 times. Denham was first elected in 2002 and re-elected in a landslide in 2006. As I mentioned above, earlier this year,… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Possession of Paint?

I serve on the Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District. In fact, in January I am scheduled to be the Chair of the district. This morning I lost on a 10-2 vote regarding some proposed amendments to the "Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Coating Operations".

The vote was everyone on the Board against myself and my fellow Yolo County Supervisor Duane Chamberlain. I tend to lose quite a few votes either 3-2 or 4-1 so that is not what had me thiking about this one vote all day.

The agenda and staff report are here. I draw your attention to point 6 of the rule requirements in the staff report.

As someone that believes in limited govenrment and truly desires smaller more efficient government I am often faced with trying to help make government programs run efficiently that I don’t necessarily believe in. That is not the case with the air district. The staff is exceptional and the results that have been acheived in terms of air quality are clear.

That part that bugs me is that we set up a regulation that prohibits people from… Read More

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