Obama, GOP, and coastal Orange County
One take on the results of the November election is that the Republican Party needs to get to work, first and foremost, on rebuilding the Party in coastal Orange County, especially coastalsouthern Orange County, to re-establish the possibility oflarge margins of Republican votes in statewide elections from this area. That’s because voters in these former bastions of conservatism, and historical homes to Congressional districts of the likes of Chris Cox, Ron Packardand John Schmitz,turned out in droves for Barack Hussein Obama in the Presidential election.The"GOP brand" is hurtinghere,and given the irony of high Republican registration in these areas,GOP leaders needtofind a solution to getting these voters back in the Republican column or risk the creation of a longer-term Democrat trend inan important part of what used to be called America’s most Republican county.
Courtesy of Allen Hoffenblum’s "Target Book," we learn that though Congressman Dana Rohrabacher beat Democrat Debbie Cook handily at 53% to 43%, that John McCain’smargin of victory wasmuch closer in this 46th… Read More