FR Elves Report In: FR Main Page To Return Monday, January 5
Apparently FR’s main page will continue to be dormant until this coming Monday, January 5th.
The FR main page elves were up quite early this morning, scouring over 100 websites for California political news, which is the normal course of business when we’re up and running.
They have reported back that they found only a handful of links that they would put up on the site, so few as to make it not worth the effort.
I think this is like Punxsutawney Phil coming out and, seeing his shadow, going back into his burrow for six more weeks. Except our elves are just going back into their hiding place for three more days.
So look for the FR Main Page to be back, in force, this Monday, with great original content and links to what will presumably be a healthy badge… Read More