$200 Will Keep Me From Getting Paid
The state is running out of money. They may stop paying legislators as soon as February. After that who know who gets paid and who doesnt. Eventually lowly legislative staffers wont get a paycheck. That includes me unlessthe state gets a budget deal.
Currently, the plan seems to be to cut a little (not enough) of the $40 billion in new spending that has appeared in the last four years AND find new fees and increasing fees on various. Now these fees look like taxes. Tax hikes require a two-thirds vote. So far there isnt a two-thirds vote for tax increase. So now they are fees and the Governor can get then with 41 votes.
There will be a legal challenge, but in the meantime they think they have a solution. And with Ron George Supreme Courts approach to jurisprudence who knows what will happen.
But here is their problem. Fees can have a referendum placed on the ballot to stop them. Taxes cant. A two-thirds deal avoids all this, a 41 vote deal doesnt
It is easy to file for a referendum. Ive done it. Once a bill become law, you send a check for $200 dollars to the Attorney General with a letter and presto magic you have ninety days to get the 433,971… Read More