Today’s Commentary: Abolish the Appropriations Committee
On the first day of the 111th Congress, over 400 bills were introduced. I introduced House Resolution 17 which would effectively abolish the House Committee on Appropriations. This may seem like blasphemy in the tax and spend culture of Washington, D.C., but I believe it is just solution we need for a broken spending system.
This bill wholeheartedly acknowledges that an egregious amount of overspending, waste, fraud, and abuse exists within both parties throughout the spending process which is shepherded by the Appropriations Committee. The House of Representatives invests its spending power in the 25 individuals of this spending panel, whose sole purpose it is to spend the taxpayers’ money; and they do a damn good job at it, and if you ask me…too good. There is no doubt; many Members of Congress have been tempted by the enormous power of spending $3 trillion per year of someone else’s money.
By abolishing the Appropriations Committee, each committee within the House would appropriate money within their specific jurisdiction; take for instance the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Under the new model, this committee would exercise authority over… Read More