The Blue Pencil: Mightier Than Conan’s Sword
As the drumbeat to further dampen our economy with new or increased taxation on the citizens of California gets louder, one has to wonder why the reforms that would help prevent us from being in this condition ever again do not receive other thanpassingpress coverage. Instead we get theconstant push to compromise more ofOPM, Other People’s Money, from their wallets into state coffers, as well as a few grudgingreductions in the rate of increase of spending…not cuts, just a reduced rate of increase,which is always distorted in the news as draconian cuts. When the latest projections of the revenue stream to the state have been further reduced by another $7 Billion, it doesn’t take an astronaut to realize that "Houston, we have a problem" in this atmosphere.
Today’s State Of The State speech by the Governor properly underlined that the entire focus of the Legislature and the Guv should be solving our budget catastrophe. Republicans have been firm during my previous 6 years and moving into this new session thatany "fix" without reform is no fix at all.Not a fake reform… Read More