New Taxes: Let The People Decide? In A Republic, They Already Have…
With the desire to find compromise inwhat is now a year-roundbudget standoff, some of the same old ideas come back to the forefront after all the ‘creative’ ones are shot down.
The creative approach to go around Republican legislators, Prop 13, [placed into the Constitution in1978 by voters]and even Prop 218 [voter approved just 12 years ago in 1996] by voting in new taxes [known as new revenue] without a 2/3 vote via some creative [there’s that word again] legal wordsmithing has, thankfully for our economy and the rule of law, been stopped onceagain.
Soanother new old compromise idea takes center stage. "We can’t get the Republicans and the courts to let us trample the law on taxes…lets get the People to decide!" What the proponents of this approach forget is that the public thinks Sacramento and DC waste too much now and have spoken repeatedly on taxes.The brothers in the old cereal ads would be right this time as "Mikey hates everything." Just like term limit extensions…you keep asking, they keep telling you… Read More