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Jon Fleischman

GOP Can Impose A Spending Cap NOW – By Refusing Revenue Increases Of Any Kind

It amazes me that there continue to be calls for raising taxes to resolve a state budget fiscal emergency that has been caused by OVERSPENDING. It also amazes me that hiking taxes continues to somehow be “on the table” in budget negotiations. Raising taxes in this situation should be a non-starter for two very basic reasons. The first of which is that while I admit that there is never a good time to raise taxes (Californians are already burdened with practically the highest tax burden in the entire nation), certainly hiking taxes in the middle of a recession has to be the stupidest idea I have over heard. The second reason is that raising taxes requires the votes of Republican legislators. What Republican, in their right mind, would respond to our state’s OVERSPENDING-CREATED financial mess by punishing taxpayers, and violating their pledge not to do so?

If there was ever a line-in-the-sand issue, this is it. In adverse times comes real opportunities for reform – and while many want that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Laura Gadke for CRP Central Valley Vice Chairman

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be looking at the various upcoming races for California Republican Party office, in advance of the State GOP’s organizational convention taking place in late February in Sacramento. At this coming convention, approximately 1500 delegates will vote for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and for Regional Vice Chairmen up and down the state. I am the current Vice Chairman for the Southern Region, and so I am pretty engaged in this process.

We have asked all of the known candidates for party office to submit a column, that we are going to publish here on the FlashReport. If it is a race where I have weighed in with an endorsement, we’ll share that, too. Which is certainly the case with our first profiled race for Vice Chairman, Central Valley Region.

Well, actually, I am not sure I would call it a race. I am pleased to endorse and recommend the re-election of Laura Gadke, who is seeking re-election to a second term (due to term limits, you can only serve two terms). Laura is a strong conservative, and is the kind of leader who is part of the solution, not part of the problem. I have heard… Read More

Shawn Steel

STEELE — RNC Chair Winner say California Republicans

Michael Steele, former Benedictine Monk, county Republican chair, state chair, elected Lt Governor of very blue Maryland has won the overwhelming support of members of the California Republican Party.

The RNC chair’s race takes place this Friday. Only 168 people get to vote. After months of campaigning, with some rough campaigning [See my prior posts on the RNC raceRead More

Jon Fleischman

Laura Gadke for CRP Central Valley Vice Chairman

Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be looking at the various upcoming races for California Republican Party office, in advance of the State GOP’s organizational convention taking place in late February in Sacramento. At this coming convention, approximately 1500 delegates will vote for the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and for Regional Vice Chairmen up and down the state. I am the current Vice Chairman for the Southern Region, and so I am pretty engaged in this process.

We have asked all of the known candidates for party office to submit a column, that we are going to publish here on the FlashReport. If it is a race where I have weighed in with an endorsement, we’ll share that, too. Which is certainly the case with our first profiled race for Vice Chairman, Central Valley Region.

Well, actually, I am not sure I would call it a race. I am pleased to endorse and recommend the re-election of Laura Gadke, who is seeking re-election to a second term (due to term limits, you can only serve two terms). Laura is a strong conservative, and is the kind of leader who is part of the solution, not part of the problem. I have heard… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Political website examines the many ways states deal with prison crowding

Here is an interesting read from, a political website. The story, "Strapped states eye prison savings," is a rather long piece that examines what other states are doing to mitigate prison crowding.

Unfortunately for the people of Kentucky, the governor and legislature decided that saving money was more important than protecting citizens when they passed a law to release 1,800 felons early from prison — some of them rapists, murderers and other violent criminals.

Without giving specifics the article also mentions that lawmakers in some states are using satellite tracking (GPS) to monitor less dangerous offenders like drunken drivers. GPS is a vanguard tool for law enforcement agencies. For local jails, it allows the sheriff to place less dangerous offenders on house arrest while wearing a GPS ankle bracelet, allowing the more dangerous offenders to spend their full sentence behind bars.

The governor signed a bill last year (that I authored with Democrat Senator Gloria Romero) that allows the Los Angeles sheriff to place prisoners on involuntary house… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Hardly Stimulus

As regular readers of this blog know, I supported the Rescue Plan (TARP program) last October and believe that this program, along with the aggressive monetary actions by the Fed, prevented a collapse of our still damaged financial system. I also support a large stimulus plan in order to hasten a bottom to this economy and hopefully save many people their jobs, homes, and businesses.

But the Democrat’s $825 billion stimulus plan now working its way through the House, is nothing short of awful. We are expected to vote on this plan on Wednesday, and in all honesty, I refuse to call it a “stimulus” plan since it contains so few stimulative characteristics. Instead, I will hereinafter refer to it as the “Big Spending” plan.

Let me explain.

The purpose of any stimulus plan is to take the recession which we are currently mired in and make it shorter and shallower. If the stimulus doesn’t do that, then it will have a negative effect since it will increase borrowing, increase deficits, and generally retard medium and longer term growth… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dave Gilliard Picks up La Malfa (SD4), Signs Amante (AD70)

It’s never too early to start pushing out news about the goings-on for the many races shaping up for the 2010 primaries. As a matter of fact, let this be a notice to any out there who are running to be sure to keep FR looping in on your progress. We’ll report lots of stuff here that may be too “inside baseball” for other publications.

Last year, I never got around to penning an intended column noting the impressive success of Gilliard, Blanning, Wysocki & Associates in terms of seeing ALL of their clients win their races. I won’t list them all here, as that would be a bit gratuitous, though GBWA has a release up here.

That said, we always say here that every election year has two parts, the first half, which is actually the preceding year, and then the year in which the election is being held. So we are well into the 2010… Read More

Bill Leonard

Inaugural Look at Terrorism

In his inaugural address, President Obama said, “To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.” The mistake here is that most all of the Muslim world is not threatening us, but Islamic radicals are and they will not have been mollified by the President’s words or intentions. The radicals—and there are more of them than any of us want to admit— do not believe we have a mutual interest and they are not interested in mutual respect. Indeed, their goal is to destroy us and they are probably pleased that we have a new President who seems committed to making nice since that will make us an easier target.

I am sure I will get critical emails upset that I amRead More

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