A Radical Idea for the GOP
It’s interesting to follow the budget crisis from afar. It’s starting to hit home with regular folks, as I witnessed in a conversation last week at my kid’s school. One parent was stressed because she runs homes for disabled children and she is looking at losing state funding this week. She was upset not only because she didn’t know what that would mean for her clients, but because she carries a monthly payroll of $100,000 and she wasn’t sure how she was going to continue to pay her employees. Not to mention that the business is her only means of income.
At the same time,there are lots of frantic e-mails going out from the public schools begging parents to call the Legislature and Gov. Schwarzenegger and tell them to spare the schools from any cuts. I tried to tell a parent who was handing out a form letter that the schools have one of the most monied and powerful lobby in Sacramento and the letters wouldn’t have any real effect on the process. I think she thought I was the devil.
As I… Read More