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Jennifer Nelson

A Radical Idea for the GOP

It’s interesting to follow the budget crisis from afar. It’s starting to hit home with regular folks, as I witnessed in a conversation last week at my kid’s school. One parent was stressed because she runs homes for disabled children and she is looking at losing state funding this week. She was upset not only because she didn’t know what that would mean for her clients, but because she carries a monthly payroll of $100,000 and she wasn’t sure how she was going to continue to pay her employees. Not to mention that the business is her only means of income.

At the same time,there are lots of frantic e-mails going out from the public schools begging parents to call the Legislature and Gov. Schwarzenegger and tell them to spare the schools from any cuts. I tried to tell a parent who was handing out a form letter that the schools have one of the most monied and powerful lobby in Sacramento and the letters wouldn’t have any real effect on the process. I think she thought I was the devil.

As IRead More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

$185 Million New Lottery Building Must Be Stopped.

The California State Lottery Commission approved a $185 million design contract for a new building. $185 million. The Legislature has already approved going asking voters to chnage management of the Lottery.

Why do we need this huge new building now. The cost per office is aorund a half a million pieces. I just put in Legislation to stop the contract and divert the money to education.

The money saved will be diverted to help our public schools.

During this budget crisis, the last thing we should be doing is wasting money and time on a building we don’t need.

How can we justify this spending, while schools are sending layoff notices to our teachers? Children in classrooms need the money more than the lottery bureaucrats need a new building.

Taxpayers should feel insulted when they pick up the newspaper in the morning and read stories about stuff like this.

It’s unconscionable and this bill will stop it.… Read More

Meredith Turney

California Ranks DEAD Last

Last week Americans United for Life (AUL) released its sixth annual ranking of the most pro-life states in America. Unsurprisingly, California ranked dead last. This ranking is well deserved considering liberal California legislators are notorious for their blind allegiance to the abortion lobby.

A perfect example of this devotion was last session’s SB 850, Senator Abel Maldonado’s bill to give still birth certificates to mothers with still-born children. I recall during a committee hearing on the bill the gut-wrenching testimony of several mothers who described the excitement about their pregnancies, the anticipation of their sons or daughters’ birth and then the devastation at what should have been a joyful moment. No sooner had the mothers finished their testimony than Planned Parenthood, NOW and ACLU lobbyists marched forward to protest the bill’s attack on Roe v. Wade. (It would be unconstitutional to acknowledge the child was alive before it left… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman’s 2008 State Campign Donations: $634,400

For 2008, former eBay CEO and ersatz Governor Meg Whitman made $634,400 in political contributions reportable to the Fair Political Practices Commission, according to the form she will file today (h/t to her team for sending us a copy).

Who were the recipients of her generosity?

$170,000 to the California Republican Party $250,000 to No on 5 $200,000 to Yes on 11 $3,600 to Tony Strickland for Senate $3,600 to Danny Gilmore for Assembly $3,600 to Jack Sieglock for Assembly … Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Economic Survival, Despite Government

This past Thursday I had the opportunity to welcome High Desert business owners to a “Business Survival” workshop.

I didn’t say, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” – despite the fact that San Bernardino County and the Town of Apple Valley had assembled an impressive array of experts, services and information. It was because these folks know that, next to the national economy and their competitors, government is their biggest problem.

So in part because I have private-sector experience and an education in business and economic development, I explained, I’m one elected official who believes that government should simply get out of the way of business owner/employers as much as possible.

But as my audience was already painfully aware, in California, this has not been the prevailing view of state government for quite some time. And although San Bernardino County, especially the High Desert, has a lot to offer in the way of incentives – from affordable land and labor to business-friendly local governments – the limits of our local discretion are illustrated by the struggles of the City of Needles, which I represent.

A… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: “Victory Through Unity” – The Rallying Cry For Those Who Say California Taxes Are Already Way Too High

The Americans for Tax Reform "no new taxes" pledge is a commitment and a promise that is made between an officeholder and the constituents they represent. No one is forced to take the pledge — signing it is a voluntary act that a candidate takes if they feel strongly enough that the tax burden on their constituents is too high.

The wording of the pledge is very straight forward: "I [candidate name] pledge to the taxpayers of the [#] district of the State of [California] and all of the people of this state that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes.

The pledge is much maligned by the political left and the media elite who do not know how to cope with the idea that there can be a principle so critically important to a fiscal conservative that they would sign a pledge.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Victory Through Unity” – The Rallying Cry For Those Who Say California Taxes Are Already Way Too High

The Americans for Tax Reform "no new taxes" pledge is a commitment and a promise that is made between an officeholder and the constituents they represent. No one is forced to take the pledge — signing it is a voluntary act that a candidate takes if they feel strongly enough that the tax burden on their constituents is too high.

The wording of the pledge is very straight forward: "I [candidate name] pledge to the taxpayers of the [#] district of the State of [California] and all of the people of this state that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes.

The pledge is much maligned by the political left and the media elite who do not know how to cope with the idea that there can be a principle so critically important to a fiscal conservative that they would sign a pledge.… Read More

James V. Lacy

What, me worry?! About Taxes?!

I have added up the reported unpaid taxes by various Obama Cabinet nominees and note that without penalties and interest they amount to over $210,000. With penalties and interest, I think Obama’s cabinet owes or owed the Treasury about $300,000. We haven’t figured in what Bill Richardson owes in addition, as his own pay-to-play scandal works itself out in New Mexico.

What were these people, these Ivy League guys in Obama’s cabinet, thinking?

I recall in 1989 when Senate Democrats stopped cold Bush Senior’s Republican-nominee Senator John Tower from being Secretary of Defense, just because they could. Their biggest argument was that he liked to take a drink every few days of what Tower himself termed "beverage alcohol." Not a very apt description, but still, it was not that big a deal. He just liked to drink. (He also liked normal female companionship.) So does everybody else in Washington. And Republican Tower paid his taxes.

Bush Senior nominee Clarence Thomas was almost defeated from his nomination to the Supreme Court because of an alleged statement he made to… Read More

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