Today’s Commentary: Hollywood Studios Are Being Stupid
[Pub. Note – FlashReport readers will have to pardon my temporary and brief departure from writing about California’s overspending crisis, in order to write about something that really has me worked up… – Flash]
Washington’s bailouts are bad enough, but it adds insult to injury when bailout recipients use their money for stupid things. AIG thought it smart to hold a corporate retreat at the Ritz Carlton. Citi defied logic and tried to spend $50 million on a new corporate jet. Now, there is word that another bailout recipient is wasting its money, this time on a frivolous lawsuit.
Hollywoodʼs six major studios have filed a lawsuit to prevent consumers (like me!) from being able to buy RealDVD, a cool program that allows you to legally back up your DVDs to your personal computer just like you back up your CDs with iTunes.… Read More