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Congressman John Campbell

My Stimulus Plan

Many of you wrote me last week knowing that I oppose the big spending plan as presented, and want to know what I am for. Well, what I am for is somewhat unique. There are basically 3 forms of stimulus being discussed:

Keynesian spending: This comes from the economic theories espoused by Englishman John Maynard Keynes in the early 20th century who believed that government spending would stimulate economic growth when the private sector doesn’t have enough to spend. The Democratic $819 billion "stimulus bill." is 90% Keynesian. Supply side tax cuts: This follows the Laffer curve theory by San Diego economist Art Laffer that cutting taxes and leaving more money in private hands will have a greater multiplier effect and be more stimulative. The Republican alternative is 100% supply side tax cuts. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific. A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers. You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes… Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes. In just one day, I have alreadyRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific. A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers. You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes… Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes.

In just one day, I have already heard from almost 200 state centralRead More

Ray Haynes

I Understand the Frustration

I usually don’t respond to what others have said here on the Flash Report, because usually no response is required, but as I was doing my morning reading (for me it is morning, since I am on the other side of the world right now, and yes, the Flash Report is the first thing I read when I wake up here). I saw Jennifer Nelson’s comments, and I thought, I really understand the frustration.

In 1991, Pete Wilson raised taxes, and pushed legislators to do the same, basically saying what Ms. Nelson said–Democrats exploded spending in the 1980’s, and when George Deukmejian resisted, the Dems went out and passed Prop 98, which has literally destroyed any semblance of spending control since then. Republicans were blamed for the tax increase.

Between 1998, in the midst of a then record increase in spending (from $43 billion general fund in the 1996-97 budget to $57 billion gf in the 1998-99 budget), Republicans pushed for and received a $4 billion car tax cut. Spending in the next two budget cycles (1999-2000 and 2000-01) increased $22 billion, from $57 billion gf to $79 billion gf. Guess who and what got blamed for the deficits of $11 billion… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker Bass: Look In The Mirror

Sometimes you really can’t make this stuff up.

As has been reported online in the Sacramento Bee, and blogged about briefly by me, last night I quickly penned a resolution for the upcoming GOP convention that is kind of a "fill in the bank" censure of GOP legislators that potentially will have voted for a tax increase before our February 20th gathering. There’s another resolution, by the way, praising our legislators for opposing taxes. It’s my hope and expectation that my resolution will get tabled, and that it will be the other that is unanimously adopted.

Now on the Bee’s Capitol Alert blog, Democrat Assembly Speaker Karen Bass responds to my introduction of this resolution, saying:Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

CA Legislative Democrats Support President Obama’s “Stimulus” Package

Just got done on the floor. The Assembly approved on a party line vote (AJR 4) supporting the almost trillion dollar "stimulus" federal package. The package has money for ACORN, smoking cessation, digitial TV coupons,honey bee insuranceand over $4 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities"and who knows what else.

I was proudthat no Republican voted for theresolution.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My resolution for the State GOP convention get’s ink in the SacBee’s Capitol Alert Blog

Over on the Capitol Alert blog of the Sacramento Bee, Shane Goldmacher has penned a piece on a "place holder" resolution that I have submitted to the State GOP Convention for its potential consideration in a few weeks. Goldmacher’s piece doesn’t mention that there is another companion resolution that praises our GOP legislators for holding the line on taxes, to go along with mine that is a framework for censuring GOPers in the Capitol that vote to impose higher taxes in Californians in response to our state’s overspending crisis.

The resolution was submitted yesterday because the State GOP rules require that resolutions be submitted three weeks prior to the convention to be considered timely.

I really have no reason to believe that legislative Republicans plan on being enablers for higher taxes here in California. If, as some have said, there are Republicans who think there is a better "deal" for taxpayers in the form of some sort of spending cap and other concessions from the left, I guess if that ever develops and is voting for by… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gaines, Niello and Hagman Join With Taxpayer Groups To Protest Chiang’s Witholding of Tax Refund Payments

This morning a press conference was held, conducted by a group of taxpayer advocacy organizations and pro-taxpayer state legislators. They included Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Tom Hudson, the executive director of the California Taxpayer Protection Committee, Ted Costa, president of The People’s Advocate, Chris Hunt, executive director of the Contra Costa Taxpayers Association, and Assemblymembers Ted Gaines, Curt Hagman and Roger Niello.

The commentary below was penned by Assemblyman Gaines, who is pictured speaking at the conference at the State Capitol… (Also in this particular photo, from left to right are Jon Coupal, Curt Hagman, Roger Niello, and Tom Hudson)

Today, I proudly stood with taxpayer advocates to urge the issuing of millions of taxRead More

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