Sunday San Diego: The UT Death Spiral, Free Speech, Free Spending and More
A mere64 pages this morning… It has been said there is more sheer information in one Sunday edition of the New York Times than the average person learned during their entire lifetime in the Middle Ages. By comparison, the ongoing death spiral of the San Diego Union-Tribune makes you wonder why they need modern printing presses at all, if the amount of content could have been produced pre-Gutenberg. Today’s Sunday UT is all of 64 pages, not counting the huge ad sections and marketing inserts.
Randy Dotinga at voiceofsandiego.org provides some further excellent analysis in The Paper’s Been Cut in Half. Worth the read.
When is free speech not free speech?… On a college campus, of course. Or, perhaps, in a federal courtroom. Maybe both:
A federal judge ruled yesterday that a nondiscrimination policy at San Diego State and Long Beach State universities required for formal campus recognition does not… Read More