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Jon Fleischman

A Vote For Taxes Now Would Imperil The GOP In 2010

Yesterday, my friend Patrick Dorinson penned a column for Fox and Hounds Daily, Inherit the Wind, where he questioned the wisdom and tactics of my decision to introduce a resolution for the upcoming California Republican Party convention that would officially censure any Republican legislator that voted to increase taxes. This resolution is accompanied by another one that praises Republican legislators for holding the line against higher taxes. It is my sincere hope that the first resolution gets tabled as being inapplicable, and that the party faithful will be able to unanimously pass the latter – a well deserved thank you to Republican legislators that have, despite a very high degree of pressure on them from the special interest groups that dominate the State Capitol, and the battering by the political left who occupy their high chairs on many of the editorial boards of major California newspapers.

In Patrick’s piece, he makes this statement: “Political parties exist to win… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Vote For Taxes Now Would Imperil The GOP In 2010

Yesterday, my friend Patrick Dorinson penned a column for Fox and Hounds Daily, Inherit the Wind, where he questioned the wisdom and tactics of my decision to introduce a resolution for the upcoming California Republican Party convention that would officially censure any Republican legislator that voted to increase taxes. This resolution is accompanied by another one that praises Republican legislators for holding the line against higher taxes. It is my sincere hope that the first resolution gets tabled as being inapplicable, and that the party faithful will be able to unanimously pass the latter – a well deserved thank you to Republican legislators that have, despite a very high degree of pressure on them from the special interest groups that dominate the State Capitol, and the battering by the political left who occupy their high chairs on many of the editorial boards of major California newspapers.

In Patrick’s piece, he makes this statement: “Political parties exist to win elections. Period. That is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tom Hudson for CRP Vice Chairman North

There is no larger region, geographically, within the California Republican Party than its Northern Region. It takes in vast amounts of the "north state" and includes 19 counties! The current Northern Vice Chairman of the CRP, Jerry Maltby, with whom I have served for almost two years, is term-limited out of his position (you can serve two 2-year terms).

There is a spirited contest to replace Jerry, between Placer County GOP Chairman Tom Hudson, and Lori Ann Cline, a former county chairman herself.

I can tell FR readers that I worked on recruiting Tom Hudson to run for this seat for well over a year, and when he finally jumped into the race, I was the first person to endorse his candidacy. Tom and I have known each other for two decades now, and worked side by side towards countless Republican victories in that time. In fact, going all of the way back to 1990, I played a leadership role in his election as Chairman of the California College Republicans, and Tom reciprocated helping me to be… Read More

New Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California Poll finds support for Part-time Legislature

Capitol Weekly and Probolsky Research (my firm) debut our statewide poll today, a poll that is less pedestrian than the other regularly published statewide polls.

The first article on the results highlight support among California voters for a part-time legislature. John Howard and Anthony York wrote an article about the poll in Capitol Weekly’s Thursday edition.

Another article by Anthony York discusses the difference between our results and results from a Enviro group sponsored poll on the prospect of loosening environmental regulations for new projects in California.

Overall we found that voters are not happy with the direction the state is headed nor the leadership of the governor.

We also identified a more than two-to-one Democratic preference among Decline to State voters over Republicans.

The actual poll reports can be viewed by visiting… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ALL State Employees Should Get “Furlough Fridays”

So FR readers know that a judge ruled against State Controller John "Union Tool" Chiang and so Governor Schwarzenegger’s modest proposal to require all state employees to take off two days a month without pay (now referred to as "Furlough Fridays" apparently). My prediction is that this action foreshadows more extreme decisions by the Governor, such as significant layoffs. Logically, how do you shrink state expenditures down to the level of state income without reducing the state’s work force? I digress…

So all of the State’s Constitution Officers who are not famous movie stars all send whiny letters to Chiang, who packages them all up (see the attachment below) and puts a cover letter on them, and asks Judge Marlette to, in essence, exempt these 15,000 or so state civil servants from the furloughs that effects over 200,000 other state employees. (I would note, by the way, that I never saw these Constitutional Officeholders complain about any raises that were bargained with the Governor for their employees).

Without going… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Irony That Brings Atlas Shrugged To Mind

I have to tell you that there is a humorous irony with President Obama’s pronouncement that companies that want a government subsidy courtesy of the egregious and ill-advised $700 billion TARP bail out (and presumably companies who choose to feed at the taxpayer trough if/when Obama’s latest boondoggle "stimulus" package is signed) will have to limit the compensation of their top execs to 500k annually.

For those of us that oppose the bailouts, past, present and future — this is delicious. As far as I am concerned, the more disincentives we can provide for private companies to accept bail-outs the better.

To those who supported the taxpayer bailout of Wall Street, some good friends of the FR, well I suppose you think Obama’s decree is outrageous, because you think it is okay for private companies to get taxpayer subsidies.

Here is the problem. Normally, I shouldn’t CARE about what the CEO of Citibank makes. That should be a private matter — I guess if I were a stockholder, I might have some interest. But not really as long as my dividends are high.

But now we all have to care, because we… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Free Popcorn” and Chris Reed on a White Horse

Sometimes you do something and you get an unexpected benefit. Kind of like if you go to the movies, and find out that it is "free poporn night" after you get there. You would still have bought the ticket to see the movie — but the free popcorn is an added bonus of sorts.

Being berated by the Sacramento Bee in an editorial this morning for being an "anti-tax jihadist" was the furthest thing on my mind when I quickly threw together a prospective resolution for the State GOP Covention to take any GOP legislators to task that vote for or support a tax increase as part of a solution to the state overspending-created fiscal deficit.

That said, the Bee’s hit piece on me is definitely the "free popcorn" in this deal. LOVE IT.

Even better is this outstanding commentary from San Diego Union Tribune Editorial Board Member Chris Reed, where he comes to my defense, and really lays out the Bee’s Editorial Board. It’s a MUST READ REED!

I should probably make it… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Support for Fleischman — This time from the O.C. Register’s Steve Greenhut

From the Orange County Register’s Editorial Page Blog:

Fleischman makes sense, the Bee doesn’t

Posted by Steve Greenhut

Jon Fleishman of Flashreporthas, in his role as a California GOP vice chairman, offered a resolution for the party’s convention that would censure tax-hiking Republican lawmakers. It’s a good way to keep those who are a bit weak in line with the party’s anti-tax-increase stance. The Sacramento Bee, in an editorial called… Read More

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