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BOE Member George Runner

Who are the “non-violent”offenders that federal judges want to release?

As you have probably read,a panel of federal judges tentatively ruled to release tens of thousands of California prisoners before their time is served. The liberal judgesclaim that the prisoners are non-serious and non-violent offenders,and thus won’t present a problem to public safety.

Here’s a look at the offenses that count as non-serious and non-violent:

• Human trafficking • Child abuse likely to produce great bodily injury • Stalking • Solicitation to commit murder or a designated sexual assault • Taking a hostage to prevent arrest or as a shield • Selling, offering for sale, or transporting a destructive device • Possessing components with intent to make destructive device • Possession, development, manufacture, production, transfer, acquisition, or retention of a weapon of mass destruction • Threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction • Possessing restricted biological agents • Exploding a destructive device to terrorize • Elder abuse • Manufacture or sale of drugs even while armed with a firearm • Burglary in which the defendant is armed with… Read More

Meredith Turney

New Budget Punishes Families with Children

Maybe it was the octuplet mother inciting public backlash, or Nancy Pelosi’s warpedthinking that preventing future productive members of society will help us out of our current economic meltdown. Whatever the reason, stateleaders have decided that parents should no longer receive tax benefits for growing their families. Included in their budget “deal” is a decrease in the dependent exemption credit. Kevin Dayton over at the Associated Builders and Contractors of California first brought this to my attention in an email. He explained that part of the budget deal was the plan to “raise $1.44 billion by increasing taxes at least $210 per dependent by reducing the dependent exemption credit to equal the personal exemption credit.”

Kevin made a great point about the exemption so I’m just going to quote him directly: “The proposed budget makes it sound so nice – ‘equalizing the credit’ – as if justice was… Read More

Meredith Turney

Opposition to Budget Deal Grows

As more details of the budget "raw deal" are made public, there’s going to be a long list of opponents coming forward to express their disapproval. Now, the Lincoln Club of Fresno County, led by FR’s Michael Der Manouel, Jr.,announces their opposition: Lincoln Club of Fresno County Opposes State Budget Deal

Fresno, California – The Central Valley’s premier Republican Political Action Committee has announced its opposition to the recently struck “deal” between Democrats and Republicans on the State budget.

“The increases in the sales tax, vehicle license fee, income tax and gasoline tax are an unconscionable compromise by the Republicans, who have now compromised with the Democrats eight straight years in a row. The mess we are in now is a reflection of this compromise. This bill must be defeated”, said Lincoln Club Chairman Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Der Manouel continued that the “reforms and spending caps in this compromise can easily be undone by the Democrat majority in future years, while citizens will be stuck with the tax increases. In this economy, any tax increase will… Read More

Tab Berg

Budget fight in Sacramento County

After battling for more than 2 years, Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan has succeeded in eliminating a multi-million dollar taxpayer-funded healthcare program for citizens of other countries from the Sacramento County budget.

During an earlier budget cycle (yes even before the economic downturn), MacGlashan had gone through the budget (rather than relying on staff reports) where she discovered staff had been listing the healthcare program (which was ONLY for citizens of other countries) as mandatory, when it was a purely discretionary program.

At a cost more than $2.4 million a year, Sacramento County taxpayers were providing citizens from other countries with healthcare coverage beyond that which US, California and Sacramento citizens could access. MacGlashan believed that was wrong.

Supervisor MacGlashan has been hawkish on the budget and taxes since her election to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in 2004, noted that… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

What the CTA won’t tell parents to say

The education lobby continues to work parents into a frenzy over the state budget. Today, my kids’ school sent out an email asking us all to call the offices of the "Big 5" to voice our concerns over a proposed "spending cap." The message they are asking parents to send is this:

"Hard Caps on spending will devastate our education system and be a deterrent to our economic recovery. Dollars toward education are an investment in California’s future, not an expense." If the CTA and the rest of the education lobby were truly responsible, they’d educate parents about what the real tradeoffs are in the state budget. They’d tell parents how the staggering cost of health care and retirement for teachers and state workers are contributing to the state’s budget crisis. They’d also tell them that Legislature’s spending spree for the past 10 years has now caught up with us. So instead of a silly message about a spending cap hurting the economic recovery, they’d beRead More

Jon Fleischman

Massive Tax Increase Plan — Bad Policy For California And Bad Politics for the GOP

The following commentary is co-authored by Steve Baric, Keith Carlson, Tony Krvaric Paul Bruno, Shawn Steel, Doug Boyd and Jon Fleischman, the Secretary, Treasurer, Budget Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman, Central Coast, Vice Chairman, Los Angeles, National Committeeman and Vice Chairman, South of the California Republican Party respectively.

To say that we were disheartened upon news that the GOP’s primary negotiators in seeking a solution for the massive over-spending induced state budget shortfall, Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, had reached a “deal” as a product of the secret back-room “Big 5” process, and had come back to present plans to their respective legislative caucuses that contain roughly $14 billion in new taxes on Californians would be an understatement. It was almost a surreal experience – because the plan that was laid out was so much worse than any one of us could have imagined – and because the plan, from our understanding of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Massive Tax Increase Plan — Bad Policy For California And Bad Politics for the GOP

The following commentary is co-authored by Steve Baric, Keith Carlson, Tony Krvaric Paul Bruno, Shawn Steel, Doug Boyd and Jon Fleischman, the Secretary, Treasurer, Budget Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman, Central Coast, Vice Chairman, Los Angeles, National Committeeman and Vice Chairman, South of the California Republican Party respectively.

To say that we were disheartened upon news that the GOP’s primary negotiators in seeking a solution for the massive over-spending induced state budget shortfall, Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, had reached a “deal” as a product of the secret back-room “Big 5” process, and had come back to present plans to their respective legislative caucuses that contain roughly $14 billion in new taxes on Californians would be an understatement. It was almost a surreal experience – because the plan that was laid out was so much worse than any one of us could have imagined – and because the plan, from our understanding of it, is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Main Page Delay

Tackling the issue of responding to a plan to "rescue" California with massive tax increases in a reasoned commentary, co written by myself and fellow State GOP Board Members Keith Carlson and Steve Baric has been time consuming. We’ll have that up soon, and the main up page closer to 9am.… Read More

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