Today’s Commentary: Survey: Californians want cuts, NOT TAX INCREASES, to balance state books…
This just in from longtime FR friend Jamie Fisfis over at Chariot Research, a respected public opinion research company from the Bay Area that actually does quite a bit of world all over the globe. They are just out of the field with some survey data on California issues, and I think that the results are definitely worth looking over in the context of the current debate in Sacramento over how to deal with the financial shortfalls due to chronic overspending.
From Fisfis:
Chariot LLC just completed another statewide omnibus survey and the budget debate was one of our main focuses. We have fresh budget debate numbers and they are pretty decisive on the issue of how Californians want the crisis solved. By a 63%-25% margin, Californians believe in spending cuts rather than tax increases to solve the budget crisis – even when education is mentioned specifically. … Read More