Posted by Matthew J. Cunningham at 12:00 am on Feb 11, 2009 2 Comments
What suicidal impulse would lead any Republican legislator to
believe it is a good for either California taxpayers or the
California Republican Party to support:
Raising the sales tax by an additional 1%?
Nearly doubling the vehicle license fee?
Raising income taxes?
Spiking the gas tax by 12 cents per gallon?
Honestly, any Republican legislator who votes for this deal
ought to re-register as a Democrat, because making the problem
worse — which is what this deal will do — is an activity best left
to legislators of that persuasion.
I saw somewhere today where Governor Schwarzenegger’s spokesman,
Aaron McLear, claimed the "state is running out of money."
This is simply, manifestly untrue. It’s a fib, a fable. The
state of California rakes in an absolutely enormous amount of money
each and every year. The size of the ginormous haul gets bigger
every year. in fact, the amount of tax revenues for this year was
sufficient to fund the state budget just two short years ago.
Obviously, logically, the problem… Read More