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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Campaign Issues Memo From Jim Brulte

It’s a busy day in the e-mail box today. No doubt to bolster up Steve Poizner supporters in response to the official announcement by Meg Whitman that she is officially a candidate for Governor, Poizner’s Campaign Chairman, retired State Senator Jim Brulte:

POIZNER FOR GOVERNOR From the desk of Jim Brulte

Dear Friend:

If you’re like me, you think California is headed in the wrong direction. Every day the news gets worse and our great state slips further and further behind.

But the good news is that strong, tested leadership can turn this around.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Brulte Memo to Poizner Supporters

It’s a busy day in the e-mail box today. No doubt to bolster up Steve Poizner supporters in response to the official announcement by Meg Whitman that she is officially a candidate for Governor, Poizner’s Campaign Chairman, retired State Senator Jim Brulte, sent this out…

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Jon Fleischman

Placer GOP County Chairman Files FPPC Compaint Against Whitman

Acting I am sure in his capacity as a private individual and not as Chairman of the Placer County Central Committee, Tom Hudson today filed a complaint with the Fair Political Practices Commission where, if I can try to summarize the charges in one sentence, Hudson asserts that Whitman, prior to today, has been running (and spending money in support of) a de facto Gubernatorial campaign for which she did not report income or expenditures. It goes on from there. Here is Hudson’s press release, and attached are the documents filed with the FPPC.

Needless to say, the timing of the complaint is hardly coincidental.

It will be up to smarter people than me to look into the allegations and sort them out. I pass this along in the interests of passing along "news" that comes across my e-mail folder.

I will close by saying that it seems like whenever the FPPC acts, it is always way after the fact and a fine is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman Campaign Team Members

The Whitman for Governor Campaign has released the following list of campaign team members:

Meg Whitman for Governor 2010 Exploratory Committee Team Leadership Team

Jeff Randle – Senior Advisor Jeff Randle is one of California’s most respected political strategists. He has played a leadership role in each of the last four victorious California Republican gubernatorial campaigns, including both of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s victories and both of Governor Pete Wilson’s campaigns. Randle has been Meg’s top political advisor since the summer 2007 and helped build the Whitman team.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

MegWhitman.Com Launches!

As I mentioned below, Meg Whitman has launched her campaign – and she has also launched (a URL that she does own). You can check it out – to answer everyone’s OBVIOUS first question – green is the campaign color with some orange thrown in. Below are two videos featured on the site – the first of which is an introduction by Whitman, and the second is that one is one of those videos that you could imagine being played to a Silicon Valley audience before Whitman makes her entrance – you see these kind of videos at major tech conference. Makes sense, right? I don’t know about you — but as a blogging commentator, I’m looking forward to this primary!

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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Makes It Official

Meg Whitman has opened an exploratory committee for Governor — no surprise. I just got word on my PDA – I’m out of the office. More to follow — though I can tell you her Campaign Chairman, as I reported earlier, is former Governor Pete Wilson. Some of her Co-Chairs include Congressman Kevin McCarthy, Congresswoman Mary Bono-Mack, State Senator Tony Strickland, and Assemblymembers Nathan Fletcher and Sharon Runner. More later if someone doesn’t beat me to it.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speedy Recovery Congressman Campbell!

Late last week, Congressman Campbell shared that he was undergoing major surgery….

I have had gastrointestinal issues since I had a bad bleeding ulcer at age 29. My stomach area is somewhat defective. In the last 8 years, I have struggled with an intestinal condition known as diverticulitis, and this condition has gotten considerably worse during the last 12 months. It is very curable, but only with surgery, in which they remove the defective part of your colon. On the advice of my doctors, I have decided to proceed with that surgery now. In car terms (I am ever the car guy after all), my muffler is bad and I’m going to be straight-piped.Read More

Jon Fleischman

No Budget Deal Yet

The Chronicle’s Matier and Ross say there is a budget deal to be announced today. There isn’t.… Read More

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