Posted by Barry Nestande at 12:00 am on Feb 13, 2009 Comments Off on A Waste That Won’t Be Corrected In The State Budget
Waste Watchers- Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work: Paying a
Teacher Not to Teach
During these tough budget times, many school districts are finding
ways to maximize funding going into the classroom. That’s
precisely why parents should be outraged that at least one district
is using tax dollars to keep a teacher out of the
The Kern Union High School District pays the president of the Kern
High School Teachers Association, or KHSTA, a regular full-time
teaching salary even though, as president of the association, he
currently spends no time in the classroom. In essence,
taxpayers are paying a teacher not to teach.
According to the Bakersfield Californian (January
27), "Mitch Olsen, in his fifth year as KHSTA president, is
classified as a teacher by the district. Three periods, or 60
percent of his work day, are funded by the district; the remaining
two periods… Read More