Where are they now?: George Plescia
In response to Cap Weekly’s mention of possible GOP leadership rumblings over the current budget deal, Jon Fleischman notes in a post below that he typically refrains "from commenting on legislative caucus politics."
Fair enough. However, the rumors of rumblings does evoke some memories of the last Assembly GOP rumble. Then-Republican Minority Leader George Plescia was ousted a bit over two years ago — and replaced with Mike Villines — ostensibly for the crime of being too accommodating of legislative Democrats and Governor Schwarzenegger, meaning not standing firm enough in representing GOP Caucus interests and ideals when it came to budget negotiations.
Fast forward. Today we have an Assembly Republican Caucus, a clearcut majority of its members sharing the conservative, no taxes stance of the 2006 version. Just last November, the GOP leadership in both houses excoriated the Governor for proposing tax increases. Yet, the budget deal to be considered tonight, as negotiated by leaders of both parties and… Read More