Through It All, I Stand With Trump
I am a political ad junkie. During the election season, I change channels to see the political ads. Strange behavior, I know, but I like to see what the Democrats are saying. This election season has been populated with a lot of ads (here in California for sure) trying to tie Republicans to Trump. That tells me the Dems somehow think the key to their victory is a hatred of Trump. Some Republicans like to join in and reinforce that message of hatred of Trump.
Most of you who know me know I didn’t support Trump in the primaries in 2016. I was wrong. The fact is, politically and on a policy level, Trump has been the best thing to happen to Republicans in a long time. He fights Democrats and their leftist apologists in the media, which explains why they are apoplectic, and make him the focus of their hatred. The reason for their vitriol? Republicans are supposed to fold up their tents and go home when the Dems attack, they are not supposed to attack back, like Trump. Some of the Reps that turn on Trump when the media calls them demonstrate that expected Pavlovian response to those leftist attacks. Trump does not give in. Has he been perfect? No. But let… Read More