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Matthew J. Cunningham

Democrat Passage of Tax Hikes on Majority Vote? Go Right Ahead.

Our esteemed editor Jon Fleischman posted a John Fund commentary on the state budget crisis, in which Fund mentioned speculation that Darrell Steinberg and Karen Bass might pass a tax hike on a majority vote.

I say: please, go right ahead. Not only would it be declared unconstitutional, but California voters would be presented with an enormous, purely Democratic tax hike.

I’m all for clarity, and in this case such a rash action by Bass and Steinberg would make it crystal clear to California voters that the Democrats are the party of higher taxes, the party of raiding working family budgets rather than restraining the state spoending spree.… Read More

Assemblyman saves crash victims from burning car

What has your Assemblyman done for you lately?

According to Capitol Weekly and Hagman COS Mike Spence, the Assemblyman pulled two people out of a burning car that had crashed near his Sacramento apartment last night.

The drive ran off after Hagman pulled him from the burning vehicle which later exploded. The passenger, a woman allegedly blew a .33 on the breathalyzer… Read More

OC Lincoln Club: VOTE NO

The Lincoln Club of Orange County has sent a letter to the State GOP Legislative leaders and Senators Maldonado and Cox urging them to oppose the current budget deal.

See the link to the letter below.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on CA Budget Crisis

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

Purified by Fire

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Jon Fleischman

California Taxpayers Owe a Debt of Gratitute…

We salute the thirteen members of the State Senate Republican Caucus who have held the line against a plan that would saddle as much as $70 billion of tax increases over the next five years on California taxpayers.


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Jon Fleischman

The Budget Dilemma – What Now (Assuming You Didn’t Pack A Toothbrush)

California’s Democrat legislators must be salivating. To be so close to redistributing another roughly $1400 per family straight out of their budgets and into the state budget must be tantalizing to them – because, as everyone knows, politicians in Sacramento know how best to spend the money earned by working Californians, right? Never mind that we are in the middle of very difficult economic times, when raising taxes by this massive amount with be the deciding factor on why some California businesses close, why jobs are lost, why houses go into foreclosure, and more.

Fortunately for California taxpayers, Republican lawmakers get it. They understand that there is never a good time to raise taxes, and that there are certainly worse times to do so – and this is one of those times. The drive that Democrat lawmakers, and Governor Schwarzenegger, and a handful of GOPers have to pass this Big 5/Big Taxes budget plan that notoriously contains over $14 billion in new taxes on cars and car registrations, as well as sales and income taxes is amazing.

Last night, as he adjourned the State Senate until 10am this morning, State Senate President Darrell Steinberg… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Budget Dilemma – What Now (Assuming You Didn’t Pack A Toothbrush)

California’s Democrat legislators must be salivating. To be so close to redistributing another roughly $1400 per family straight out of their budgets and into the state budget must be tantalizing to them – because, as everyone knows, politicians in Sacramento know how best to spend the money earned by working Californians, right? Never mind that we are in the middle of very difficult economic times, when raising taxes by this massive amount with be the deciding factor on why some California businesses close, why jobs are lost, why houses go into foreclosure, and more.

Fortunately for California taxpayers, Republican lawmakers get it. They understand that there is never a good time to raise taxes, and that there are certainly worse times to do so – and this is one of those times. The drive that Democrat lawmakers, and Governor Schwarzenegger, and a handful of GOPers have to pass this Big 5/Big Taxes budget plan that notoriously contains over $14 billion in new taxes on cars and car registrations, as well as sales and income taxes is amazing.

Last night, as he adjourned the State Senate until 10am this morning, State Senate President Darrell Steinberg… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Kudos to the Senate GOPers!

The Senate has adjourned without a vote with session called for tomorrow at 10am. Democrats gave a lot of floor speeches blaming Republicans for the consequences of inaction. But we should note for the record that the votes have and continue to be there to 'right size' state government. Funny how the union-tool dominated left won't put up all of the billions in spending reductions that everyone agrees to without gauging taxpayers with more taxes. How much you want to bet most MSM papers blame Republicans, instead of the Democrats, for lack of progress? I don't think the votes are there tomorrow either for the Big 5/Big Taxes deal…

Taxpayers owe Senate Republicans a debt of gratitude — today their taxes didn't go up.… Read More

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