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Richard Rider

Second biggest CA business reportedly is moving its HQ from SF to TX

Recent reports have indicated that McKesson Corp — the sixth largest Fortune 500 company — may well be preparing to move its HQ from San Francisco to Texas. Apparently the company has already sold its SF HQ building. In California, only Apple is larger than McKesson. McKesson employs over 75,000 people. In addition, in recent years State Farm has been moving most of its extensive California bureaucracy out of the Golden State. This has been little noticed by the press.Read More

Richard Rider

Lessons from the 2018 election — the bad and the not-so-bad

Here are some lessons to be learned from the 2018 elections — the lessons most important to me. I’ll start with the bad news — and then list the “sorta” good news. Well, the “not TOO bad” news.

1. Our country is moving left, and it’s not likely to reverse direction until we experience the full adverse consequences. If then.

2. The number of red states that are LIKELY tostayred is declining — in large part because of shifting demographics. Some states that are supportive of limited government and low taxes TODAY are likely to reverse direction within the next 4 -12 years. These are generally GOP-controlled states that I find attractive now but should be avoided longer term. These sometimes-red-but-soon-blue states include Florida, Texas (yes, TEXAS), Arizona, North Carolina, Missouri, Nevada — and likely New Hampshire. Looking at the 2016 and 2018 voting results, the remaining states likely to remain GOP (with lower taxes) for theRead More

Katy Grimes

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

Every governor has signed regretful legislation, or made a disastrous pardon he or she would like a chance to re-do. California’s whacky outgoing Democrat governor has spent the last eight years trying to convince the people of California that we are to blame for droughts, wildfires and “extreme weather,” and thatclimate change is an existential threat to the California way of life.Showing no regrets, Gov. Jerry Brown calls the people “freeloaders,” and “deniers,” and has mocked our “little green lawns.” Brown even spitefully signed legislation subjecting every man, woman and child to 50 gallons of water a day in the near future… despite the state’s189,454 milesof rivers, and that large body of water California sits on.

Last year, as California residents were burned out of their towns, homes, neighborhoods, schols, hospitals and businesses, Gov. Jerry Brown was… Read More

Katy Grimes

Madness on the Berkeley Campus

We all know good and evil, right and wrong.Yet, so few today seem willing to make even the smallest sacrifice to stand for good and what is right.

UC BerkeleyStudent Senator Isabella Chow did, and is paying dearly for it.

I first read of Isabella Chow’s “crime” atCampus Reform, which wrote about her daring to abstain from voting on a symbolic bill that she said would compromise her Christian values. And now more than 1,000 hysterical UC Berkeley students have signed a petition demanding that she resign.

Isabella’s Crime

The UC BerkeleyQueer Alliance Resource Center asked the student Senate to… Read More

Richard Rider

Yet again CA wildfires rage while our pathetic politicians posture

Here we go again. Huge “unexpected” California brush fires destroying thousands of homes — not to mention scores of lives lost. After the conflagration subsides, publicity-seeking politicians will overrun the area, consoling disconsolate homeowners — great photo ops. These political opportunists will then demonstrate their generosity by doling out OPM to victims, taking credit for the “charity” they provide.

And then, after a couple months of this posturing, no significant preventative measures will be adopted — even LOW COST non-coercive preventative measures.And yes, there ARE some cost-effective reforms that could be adopted that likely would save many and likely most of the houses now burning to the ground.

I’ve been writing about such reforms since the 2003 San Diego fire destroyed 330 homes in my Scripps Ranch subdivision. Indeed, I did a paid, five part, pro-con op-ed debate series with a bigRead More

Katy Grimes

California Blue Wave: Will it Lead to Insolvency Faster?

The midterm elections have turned out as most observers expected, nationally, statewide, and in Sacramento. By historical standards, nationally, the Democrats underperformed and lost a number of high-profile races. There was no Blue Wave – more like a blue ripple.

However, California is another story, remaining as blue as can be, and headed right into insolvency. In the contest for governor, California voters chose Democratic politician Gavin Newsom over Republican businessman John Cox, who is not a politician.

California goes ‘Full Nuthouse’ as my friendLeslie EastmanRead More

Katy Grimes

A Caravan Worth Following: ‘CAUTION: Fraud Ahead’ Tour

Despite the media’s romance with the caravaninvasion from Honduras and Mexico headed for the United States border, Jesse Rojas, President of Californians for Accountability PAC, is leading a legal caravan. Rojas is driving a box truck following the blue tour bus for gubernatorial candidate Gavin Newsom. Calling it the “Caution: FRAUD AHEAD Tour Rojas and company are warning of “Lost jobs and higher… Read More

Katy Grimes

Voter’s Take Heed: Gov. Newsom Poised to Make Us All Part Of San Francisco

“Welcome to El Sanfransisco!”

IfGavin Newsom was elected Governor, Californians may end up saying“Welcome to El Sanfransisco!”

San Francisco used to be the gem of the once-Golden State. Today visitors and residents see on the streets squalor, trash, human poop and urine, used heroin needles, rats, and homeless people. The city is even experiencing Hepatitis outbreaks.

Unless California wants this to become the “new normal” for the entire state, a vote for Gavin Newsom for California Governor is a vote forNight of the Living Dead because that’s what is taking over California cities.

Gavin Newsom was San Francisco Mayor 2004 – 2011, during which time he was widely criticized for poor management of his department managers, as well as a massive city budget for only 800,000 people. “In San Francisco, running a city department like a Franz Kafka nightmare… Read More

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