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Ray Haynes

An Interesting Turn of Events

The replacement of Dave Cogdill by Dennis Hollingsworth bodes well for California Taxpayers. Here is the question. Now that Cogdill is no longer the leader will he feel comfortable enough to vote the way he knows is right, as opposed to the way he has been convinced is "responsible."

Every Republican knows that the Democrats created this budget crisis by spending like drunken sailors on leave (with apologies to those sailors, since they are at least spending their own money). They then cry about the bankruptcy they have created, and then whine when Republicans won’t raise taxes to cover their spendthrift ways. Unfortunately, in the past, the general Republican response has been to "be responsible" and bail the Democrats out. Democrats are the bad teenagers, enabled by years of Republican indulgence, who have been arrested for breaking the laws of economics, and are asking Republicans to hire the lawyer and post the bail for their irresponsible behavior in the past. Too often, Republicans have indulged this bad behavior because they "cannot let the people" suffer.

First, the people won’t suffer. Some people… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Massive Tax Increase Bill Dies In Senate Vote

A busy period of time on the State Senate Floor. Cogdill passed the baton to Hollingsworth, both said a few words — did a "grip and grin" for cameras.

Senate President Darrell "Lockdown" Steinberg went ahead and held the vote on the $14++ billion in tax increases.

On the Democrat side, Orange County’s Lou Correa abstained, and Lois Wolk, who was sick, did not vote. All of the other Democrats, I’m sure with glee, voted yes.

On the Republican side, all of the GOPers voted no, including Maldonado, except for three abstentions — from Cogdill, Cox and Ashburn.

Predictably, no Republican went up on a massive tax increase vote when it wouldn’t have passed. Ideally, there should have been 15 GOP votes of "no" — but beggars can’t be choosers after such a long weekend.

But, it goes on… Everyone is still locked down… Toothbrushes at the ready?

(Wolk came in, and "added on" with her undoubtedly gleeful YES on the taxes. — h/t to our twittering friends Anthony York with Capitol Weekly and John Myer with KQED.)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dave Cogdill Out As Senate GOP Leader

The name of his replacement has not yet been made public… In fact, it still may be in flux as we blog…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statement from Cogdill on Leadership Change

Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, of Modesto, today issued the following statement: My primary goal in leading this Caucus has always been to maintain unity within our dynamic membership. I knew this would be a daunting task with the state’s precarious fiscal situation, but it was a challenge I was honored to take. While there are many things to dislike in this budget, I am proud it contains the vital reforms our Caucus has been pushing for – fixing our broken budget system, making government more efficient, giving flexibility to schools to direct more money to the classroom and creating more jobs in our state. It is now painfully apparent that this package will not achieve the votes needed to pass the Legislature.Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: Dennis Hollingsworth Is Now Senate Republican Leader

We have confirmed that after a lengthy caucus meeting, there is a new Senate Republican Leader — Dennis Hollingsworth!

This decision was made in the midst of tense negotiations over a state budget deal.

While we don’t go into the internal politics of caucuses, it is fair to say that it was unusual that the former leader, Dave Cogdill, was supporting a budget plan that was not supported by a majority of his colleagues.

Congratulations Senate Leader Hollingsworth!!… Read More

Jon Fleischman



The Decline of California They still think they can tax their way out of this one.

If you thought Washington’s stimulus debate was depressing, take a look at the long-running budget spectacle in California. The Golden State’s deficit has reached $42 billion, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is threatening to furlough 20,000 state workers (go ahead, make our day), and as we went to press yesterday Democrats who control the legislature had blocked lawmakers from leaving until they finally get a deal.

It’s sad to watch. The Golden State — which a decade ago was the booming technology capital of the world — has been done in by two decades of chronic overspending, overregulating and a hyperprogressive tax code that exaggerates the impact on state revenues of economic boom and bust. Total state expenditures have… Read More

Ray Haynes

A Deal?

Senate goes into session at 10:00 pm, I am told. Cox has apparently cut his deal, and is rumored to be the vote for the budget. He had a laundry list of reforms he negotiated for, none of which included eliminating the taxes. We will see however.

It usually isn’t hard to get a deal when it is down to one vote, someone will always cave. That is why the Leaders’ capitulation on the tax in this negotiation was so disastrous.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cox In Play?

This morning we praised Senator Cox as being one of 13 GOP Senators who are keeping every family in California safe from billions in new taxes. Now the word is that he is in heavily, unilateral negotiations to try and “strike a deal” — not good. Republicans united can move forward a no taxes plan, such as the one simply articulated by Steve Poizner today. Senator Cox, please help Republicans reject this plan!… Read More

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