Never Elect Abel Maldonado To Anything, Ever Again
The "ruling power" has carried the day against the ruled.
Sen. Abel Maldonado named his price for voting for a massive tax hike, and the Democrats (along with a few Quisling Republican) met it, reminding me of the famous story about Winston Churchill’s propositioning a woman.
First, let me thank Sen. Abel Maldonado for taking a large sum of money out of my family budget and handing it over to a reckless, thieving state government. My wife thanks you, Senator, and my four daughters thank you. After all, is there any sacrifice too large if it benefits Sen. Maldonado’s political ambitions? (This is sarcasm, in case anyone missed that)
Secondly, I invite all readers to join my new FaceBook group, "Never Elect Abel Maldonado To Anything, Ever Again." Are we the party of lower taxes? Or the party of raising taxes little bit… Read More