Which GOPers Supported The Largest Tax Increase In California’s History? The list is a lot longer than six, I’m afraid…
Politics is more like a chess game than a checkers game — it’s complex, and people who want to seriously understand why things happen, and what some of the real motivations are, should take the time to step back, and take things in context.
First and foremost, it’s obvious on the face of it to be able to say that the six Republican legislators (Senators Ashburn, Cogdill and Maldonado and Assemblymen Adams, Niello and Villines) who actually voted for the bill that imposed over $14 billion in new taxes were critical to its passage. Shame on them. Truly, they have done a tremendous disservice to their state and to their party.
But in taking some time to contemplate the politics of the final hours of this Big 5/Big Taxes deal passing out of the legislature, you have to say, how did it happen? After all, the votes to pass the plan simply were not there in the State Senate. You needed three Republicans to support the actual tax increase legislation, and they were one vote shy. Eleven GOP Senators basically said there was no way there were going up on the tax bill (Aanestad, Benoit, Denham, Dutton,… Read More