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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: 1A Advocates Leave Tax Implications Out Of The Debate, To Their Discredit

As we mentioned previously, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has filed a lawsuit asking a judge for relief because the state legislature and the governor are in the midst of a deceptive effort to cause Californian’s to consider whether to support or oppose Proposition 1A without having all of the information about the measure readily available to them — there is no mention in the title or summary of this measure that mentions that the passage of it would extend a boatload of taxes for years! Below we have linked the legal documents filed with court for those who would like to read them.

This "keep all of the facts from the voters" campaign extends beyond the omitting of information in the official voter guide pamphlet (though that omission is the most egregious) — it seems that proponents of Proposition 1A literally don’t want to even mention the taxes. Of course, what they should be doing is making the case that they feel the spending cap in 1A is strong enough to justify extending tens of billions in taxes on Californians.

Another example of this "don’t fully disclose and discuss the pros and cons of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

1A Advocates Leave Tax Implications Out Of The Debate, To Their Discredit

As we mentioned previously, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has filed a lawsuit asking a judge for relief because the state legislature and the governor are in the midst of a deceptive effort to cause Californian’s to consider whether to support or oppose Proposition 1A without having all of the information about the measure readily available to them — there is no mention in the title or summary of this measure that mentions that the passage of it would extend a boatload of taxes for years! Below we have linked the legal documents filed with court for those who would like to read them.

This "keep all of the facts from the voters" campaign extends beyond the omitting of information in the official voter guide pamphlet (though that omission is the most egregious) — it seems that proponents of Proposition 1A literally don’t want to even mention the taxes. Of course, what they should be doing is making the case that they feel the spending cap in 1A is strong enough to justify extending tens of billions in taxes on Californians.

Another example of this "don’t fully disclose and discuss the pros and cons of… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Clovis Rejects Sales Tax Measure

By an estimated 60-40 margin, voters in the City of Clovis tonight roundly rejected a proposed 1% sales tax increase. Despite having the support of Republican City Council members Nathan Magsig, Lynn Ashbeck and Jose Flores. The lone GOP council member in opposition was Council President Bob Whalen, who is planning on running for Assembly District 19 in 2010 when incumbent Mike Villines is termed out.

The Measure was flawed from the beginning, with no sunset clause and no direction for the funds except the general fund.

The Fresno County Republican Party and Lincoln Club of Fresno County came out in early opposition to Measure A, and a consortium of conservative groups held a press conference this week opposing the measure.

Ironically, the tax increase deal brokered two weeks ago in Sacramento probably hurt the cause of Measure A. The tax increase was brokered by Mike Villines, whose District includes the City of Clovis.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

California “Pro-Business” Groups Selling Some Rope

I’ve received a steady barrage of news releases from "Budget Reform Now," the campaign committee seeking approval of Propositions 1A through F — which in turn are part of the Schwarzenegger/Democrat "Kill California’s Economy Now" budget.

Four landed in the ole inbox today alone, and they drive home the sad truism that big businesses interests — contrary to the self-delusions of the Left — are not the bankrollers of the Right or battlers for the free market. Oh, that it were!

In one press release, I am treated too the depressing spectacle of Joel Fox — former long-time president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — singing the praises of Prop. 1A as head of something called the "Small Business Action Committee."

I wasn’t aware small businesses favored action to extend the massive $13.5 billion tax hike for two additional years! Call me old-fashioned, but champions of small business are supposed to oppose transfering wealth and power to government, not support extending such transfers.

Other "pro-business" groups selling out the free market include the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Obama The Hardcore Liberal

This random thought just crossed my mind as I am traveling on the rental car shuttle at the Oakland Airport…

It would appear that President Obama is going to govern this nation as a hardcore left-wing ideologue. In some respects I am jeolous because our last President certainly didn't govern as a hardcore right-winger. Not even close. I think I feel kind of… cheated…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Adams: Poizner OUT; Arnold IN

For those following such things, a mini-controversy had erupted in SoCal over a scheduled fundraising event that Assemblyman Anthony Adams had coming up (this week, if I recall) featuring Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, whom Adams has endorsed for Governor.

KFI’s John and Ken got a hold of the invite and devoted a lot of air time to the subject.

The subtext of course is that Adams is one of the "Quisling Six" GOP legislators that sided with all of the legislature’s Democrats to foist upon Californians the single largest tax increase in the history of any state ever. Add to this Steve Poizner’s strong opposition to that vote, and you get perfect drive time radio drama.

Well, predictably, the Poizner event for Adams was scrubbed. But stepping up to raise money for Adams’ reelection is the most famous tax-advocating GOP flip flopper of them all — Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Since this just became public, I am sure it will make for even more entertaining fodder for John and Ken. I guess look for Arnold to be headlining events soon for Senators Maldonado, Ashburn (for BOE), and Cogdill — and for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Special Election – Vote No on Prop 1F

This coming May, California voters will be asked to vote on a half-dozen different ballot measures placed before them by the state legislature.

Over the coming weeks, I will be taking a look at each of those measures – analyzing them and giving FR readers my take on them.

The first one that I am going to tackle is the last of the six on the ballot – Proposition 1F.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

You’re Welcome, Sacramento Bee

The Duf Sundehim/CRAFT pay package story was first reported by yours truly five days ago on Red, and then headlined on the the next day.

The Sacramento Bee has now picked it up, and reporter Andrew McIntosh gave glancing acknowledgment to the story’s origin in the fifth paragraph:

"Details of Sundheim’s pay package, including salary, medical and automobile expenses that topped $43,000 a month, were first discussed on Republican blogs over the weekend."

It was Red County, Mr. McIntosh. R-E-D C-O-U-N-T-Y.

And you’re welcome.

By the way, Jon Fleischman is described in the Sacbee story as "a former vice chairman of the state GOP," when in fact Jon was re-elected to that post little more than a week ago. Details.… Read More

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