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Jon Fleischman

Anthony Adams Resigns County GOP Post…

Just in — apparently Assemblyman Anthony Adams has resigned the Chairmanship of the San Bernardino County Republican Party — a post to which he had only recently been elected. While I don’t have a lot of details, you can be sure that this is fallout for his vote last week for the largest state-level tax increase in our nation’s history.… Read More

Mike Spence

Taxachusetts is now a tax haven from Taxifornia

At the California Republican Convention Ivisited with former Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney. As FR readers probably know, Governor Romney bought a house in La Jolla.

We talked about various things over the 20 minutes or so we spoke. One thing really stood out. He said he was not going to be in California more than six months less one day.

Why? He didn’t want to be declared a resident because there is about a 5% difference in the tax rate for “wealthy” people between Massachusetts and California. And that was before the surtax and increases recently approved by the Legislature and Governor Schwarzenegger.

Massachusetts fondly referred to, as Taxachussets by conservatives is now a tax haven for Mitt Romney.

California doesn’t get it. If you tax the “wealthy” more than those around you they will leave or make sure they pay their taxes in another state. Ask Mitt Romney, Tiger Woods or go door to door in Incline Village.

California needs a new sign on our border.

Welcome to Taxifornia!… Read More

Inside the Beltway News — Post Address Thoughts

For what it’s worth, I wanted to share some thoughts about the quasi State of the Union last night:

There’s no doubt Obama is an exceptional orator, but much of the content was a mile wide and an inch deep and it will be hard to translate so many policy priorities into first year accomplishments.

First some general audience observations. Rep. Sanchez was falling out of her chair to hug, handshake and buss the president; despite what some say we are a nation at war and Congress could do better to keep the celebrity president hysteria to a minimum. I also noted several familiar GOP and Democratic members seeking autographs toward the end of the ceremony. Speaker Pelosi on more than one occasion seemed uncertain when to applaud–reforming social security, good idea–oh wait. One reporter we heard said members got their as much as 12 hours early to hold their aisle seats for a handshake chance. Fortunately Congress’ results are not matched against billable office hours.

President Obama repeated the phrase or iterations of "we inherited" on three occasions that I counted. We all know what he was saying and for… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Counseling won’t help; it’s time for a divorce

There have been many voices heard since the state budget was passed with the help of a handful of GOP legislators last week. I waited to digest the news, listen to the debate coming out of the Republican convention and think about the future of the Republican Party in our great state. It’s crystal clear to me now what change we need for the California Republican Party. We need a divorce from our governor.

There is great outrage—and much deserved—at the GOP legislators that voted for the budget. But we need to also put ourselves in their shoes. They are members of the minority party (and a minority party that is significantly shrunken in size). There was incredible pressure for them to vote for a budget. Democrat legislators, members of the press, educators and others from their local districts and—let’s not forget—the governor, were all pressuring them to “do the right thing.”

So I find it interesting that we, as a party, took action against the handful of legislators who voted for the budget but didn’t take any action to remove Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger from the CRP board.

The legislators would not have been in the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Political Theater: Jon and Abel

Last weekend at the GOP convention, just 72 hours after casting the deciding vote to pass a massive tax increase out of the State Senate, Senator Abel Maldonado actually had the moxie to show up. I ran into him in a hallway there, and we shared some words — the kind of "street theater" reminds me of the "old days" when I was an activist with Young Americans for Freedom…

I had told a few people about it — but now everyone can see it, as Carla Marinucci from the San Francisco Chronicle apparently had her handy-dandy video camera on at the time. You can read more of her observations on the convention here. I’ve reposted the video below… … Read More

Matt Rexroad

Outrageous Hero: The B.T. Collins Story

I am no sure what rock I was under when Outrageous Hero: The B.T. Collins Story came out last year. When a friend mentioned the book to me I knew it was going to move to the front of the line of books I needed to read.

I was a young Capitol staffer when Collins died of a heart attack in March 1992. i talked to him a few times but don’t pretend that I knew the man. He was a legend.

This is a man that grew up in New York, joined the Army during Vietnam and spent two tours there. On June 20, 1967 as an Army Captain he lost an arm and a leg to a grenade. This one day defined his life to a degree but did not stop him from going on to Santa Clara Law School, becoming a staff member for Governor Jerry Brown, running the California Conservation Corps, serving as Chief of Staff to Governor Brown, running the California Youth Authority for Governor Wilson, and then winning a special election for the Assembly and getting re-elected before suffering a massive heart attack… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Abel Maldonado, Agent Of The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

Sen. Abel Maldonado, basking in the adoration of the California Left — not to mention that of Governor Hollow Man — declared this weekend that "We need a change."

By "we," Maldonado means Republicans, and he uttered that profound insight in response to my f friend Jon Fleischman calling him on his role as the enabler of the largest state tax increase in American history. Kudos to Jon, by the way — wish I could have been there.

By the way, if you haven’t joined my FaceBook group — "Never Elect Abel Maldonado To Anything, Ever Again" — please do so. It figured in a San Francisco Chronicle story on Friday, and in the… Read More

Meredith Turney

Convention Behind Us, 2010 Ahead

Congratulations to the California Republican Party on a great convention. I’ll echo previous posts by affirming that the general mood at convention was upbeat and optimistic. Considering the state of the GOP nationwide, and grassroot contempt for the GOP’s participation in California’s massive tax increase, Republicans are looking to 2010 as a year of redemption. 2010 holds a lot of promise for California Republicans. Schwarzenegger will be exiting the stage, mid-term elections usually favor the minority party, and there’s an impressive bench of candidates ready to woo the party faithful in our primary.

As a woman, I am very excited to see two strong female candidates contemplating bids for governor and senate. Meg Whitman had quite a presence at convention, with ubiquitous signs and stickers, a speech at a convention meal, and a reception with Mitt Romney. With such endorsements from Romney, Darrell Issa, Tony Strickland, and other legislators, Whitman is building a broad support base quickly. Although she hasn’t declared her intentions yet, Carly Fiorina was also making the rounds at convention and delivered an impressive speech at the CRA’s meeting… Read More

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