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Jon Fleischman

Shame on the Los Angeles Times

I can imagine the assignment editors hanging out in the Los Angeles Times newsroom when the fax comes over from KFI’s John & Ken show informing them of a "tax revolt rally" taking place in Fullerton. Never mind that the Times’ Orange County coverage is becoming more and more sparse, given the attention lately on the quickly growing discontent amongst taxpaying Californian’s in the wake of the passage a few weeks ago of the largest tax increase in this history of this state (or any state, for that matter), you would think that they would have assigned a reporter to cover the event. Perhaps maybe they might have also sent a photographer to snap some "clicks" of the crowd.

Invariably, though, the editors, who were probably leaders in PETA or Greenpeace on their college campuses before turning to a life in journalism (following most of their campus-left activists), just scrunched up the fax and tossed it into the trash.

That is certainly one conclusion that you could come to as you turn the pages of the Los Angeles Times print edition this morning, as my mom and dad did — they live in LA. My mom confirmed for me… Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA: Tax Revolt Rally Report

This was sent out statewide to the members of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association after yesterday’s massive, successful anti-tax rally in Fullerton…

At least 10,000 angry taxpayers (one official estimate was over 15,000) participated in the 2009 Tax Revolt rally in Fullerton today. A big Thank You to all the HJTA members who joined the protest against higher taxes and Proposition 1A, the $16 billion tax increase scam placed on the May 19 special election ballot by the Legislature. We know that many HJTA members were not able to travel to Fullerton, but were with us in spirit. This event was just the kickoff of the campaign to defeat Proposition 1A that is being deceptively marketed byRead More

Jon Fleischman

Americans for Prosperity join in Massive Fullerton Tax Revolt 2009 Rally

Our friends with Americans for Prosperity, California, were participants in yesterday’s massive anti-tax rally in Fullerton, and they sent this over for your reading pleasure. Below are a few photos from the days event…

Americans for Prosperity joined KFI radio personalities John and Ken for "Tax Revolt Day" in California. Speaking to a crowd of 15,000 people, AFP California’s Statewide Chairman Peter Foy spoke of the recent outrage over the $45 billion tax increase recently levied on taxpayers by politicians in Sacramento. Peter Foy reminded the crowd that the recent tax increase from Sacramento is costing taxpayers $21 Million dollars per day, equivalent to 913,000 per hour, 24 hours per day.Read More

Jon Fleischman

“But Niello Didn’t Take A No Tax Pledge…”

I’ve heard from a lot of FR readers, who are upset at the legislature’s passage of the largest tax increase in the history of any state, and a good number of them ask me why Assemblyman Roger Niello should be treated any differently, in terms of culpability, than Senators Ashburn, Cogdill and Maldonado, and Assemblymembers Adams and Villines.

These readers bring up a good and valid point. While it is true that unlike the other five, Niello did not sign the Americans for Tax Reform No New Taxes pledge, that doesn’t let him off the hook for being a deciding vote to slam Californian’s with two years of higher taxes (to the tune of an estimated $16 billion or more!).

The reality is that just like the others, Roger Niello used plenty of anti-tax rhetoric in his campaigns and in his speechifying — he’ll tell you right now, to your face, how terrible it is to raise taxes.

So, relative to the "non-pledge taker," one has to say … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fullerton Police: Over 15,000 At John & Ken Tax Revolt Rally

Well have more coverage tomorrow morning — but this afternoon, taxpayers from all around Southern California swarmed to a rally hosted by KFI Radio talk show hosts John & Ken in downtown Fullerton, in Orange County.

The crowds were massive, with the Fullerton Police Department saying that there were over 15,000 people on hand. Streets were closed, and freeway offramps to get to the location were clogged, stopping traffic on the 91 freeway. Crowds near the stage where John & Ken broadcast live were fired up to the point where at times the police had to move in to calm people.

The outrage? Higher taxes! Specifically, the target of the tax revolt rally where Republicans who were elected to office pledging to oppose tax increases, who either then came out and voted for the taxes (Senators Dave Cogdill, Abel Maldonado, and Roy Ashburn, and Assemblymen Mike Villines, Anthony Adams and Roger Niello in the Assembly), signed them into law (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and a great deal of ire was focused on all of the Assembly Republicans. Last week, Assemblyman Anthony Adams appearing on a public radio program asserted that all of his colleagues were… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Campbell on America’s News HQ

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bruce Herschensohn On Why We Need To Elect Chuck DeVore

I am pleased this morning to share a guest commentary from a very esteemed reader of the FlashReport, Bruce Herschensohn. Herschensohn, who is a senior fellow at the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, was for many, many years a commentator on KABC television in Los Angeles. In 1992, he was the Republican nominee for United States Senate. Herschensohn is widely considered to be one of the country’s leading experts on foreign policy issues — and a great mentor and friend to this website publisher.

Chuck DeVore: A Leader We Need In The U.S. Senate

By Bruce Herschensohn

Chuck DeVore is not merely qualified for to be California’s next U.S. Senator; he has performed service forRead More

Jon Fleischman

Bruce Herschensohn On Why We Need To Elect Chuck DeVore

I am pleased this morning to share a guest commentary from a very esteemed reader of the FlashReport, Bruce Herschensohn. Herschenshon, who is a senior fellow at the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy, was for many, many years a commentator on KABC television in Los Angeles. In 1992, he was the Republican nominee for United States Senate. Herschensohn is widely considered to be one of the country’s leading experts on foreign policy issues — and a great mentor and friend to this website publisher.

Chuck DeVore: A Leader We Need In The U.S. Senate

By Bruce Herschensohn

Chuck DeVore is not merely qualified for to be California’s next U.S. Senator; he has performed service forRead More

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