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Jon Fleischman

Orange County Republican Party Joins Growing GOP Opposition To Special Election Ballot Props

Trust me when I tell you that the Orange County Republican Party’s governing Central Committee is anything but monolithic. While certainly dominated by conservatives, the Committee of around seventy members most of whom are independently elected from Assembly Districts all around the county, is a dynamic group that includes GOPers of all stripes. I say this because last night, in a packed meeting with over two hundred people in attendance, the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee formally opposed all six ballot measures that will come before voters in the upcoming special election in May, Propositions 1A through 1F – and the vote was unanimous – when OC GOP Chairman, former Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh, called for the two voice votes (there was a motion to oppose 1A and 1B, and a separate motion to oppose 1C, 1D, 1E, and 1F), the large crowd voted to oppose them all, with not one “nay” to be heard when opposing votes were called for.

Orange County Assemblywoman Diane Harkey flew down from Sacramento to give a rousing speech in support of the motion to oppose… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Orange County Republican Party Joins Growing GOP Opposition To Special Election Ballot Props

Trust me when I tell you that the Orange County Republican Party’s governing Central Committee is anything but monolithic. While certainly dominated by conservatives, the Committee of around seventy members most of whom are independently elected from Assembly Districts all around the county, is a dynamic group that includes GOPers of all stripes. I say this because last night, in a packed meeting with over two hundred people in attendance, the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee formally opposed all six ballot measures that will come before voters in the upcoming special election in May, Propositions 1A through 1F – and the vote was unanimous – when OC GOP Chairman, former Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh, called for the two voice votes (there was a motion to oppose 1A and 1B, and a separate motion to oppose 1C, 1D, 1E, and 1F), the large crowd voted to oppose them all, with not one “nay” to be heard when opposing votes were called for.

Orange County Assemblywoman Diane Harkey flew down from Sacramento to give a rousing speech in support of the motion to oppose Propositions 1A and 1B,… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Fresno County Lincoln Club and Central Committee say “no” to Props 1A – 1F

Last Friday the Board of Directors of the Lincoln Club of Fresno County voted unanimously to oppose all of the May ballot initiatives being proposed out of the already failed budget deal worked out between the Governor and Legislature. Board Secretary Jeff Reid prepared a devastating, and irrefutable critique of the initiatives.

Tonight, Jeff Reid and myself took to the podium at the Fresno County Central Committee meeting. Reid presented his analysis of the initiatives and his findings were met alternatively with gasps and disbelief from the members and audience on hand.

I appealed to the members on several levels, not the least that it is regrettably time to part with our friends in the Legislature if they betray our core values. There was more to my remarks, but I will spare the details. The resolutions opposing the ballot initiatives passed overwhelmingly, a bit later duringclosed session. There wassome clamoring for "equal time" for initiative proponents but those in favor of such equal time should be glad they lost their argument, as the proponents would have been thoroughly and completely humiliated.

Other Lincoln Clubs and… Read More

Barry Jantz

Arnold Antes Up for Adams

From Cap Weekly…

Governor to host fundraiser for Anthony Adams

Gov. Arnold Schwarzengger, in the midst of a tough political fight to sell his budget-balancing package to voters on May 19, is the star attraction at an April 8 fundraiser to benefit GOP Assemblyman Anthony Adams – one of the few legislative Republicans to back the governor.

Adams, under threat of a recall drive by some elements in his own party, received statewide attention after conservative radio hosts excoriated Adams for his votes. However, Adams, 38, reportedly has received… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

The return of a bad idea

The proposal for Universal health care in California has returned.

I am not surprised; liberal Legislators never saw a tax they didn’t like – and universal health care for California comes with a whopping price tag: $42 billion in its first full year of implementation and annual shortfalls of $46 billion thereafter. That’s billions, not millions.

It’s one thing for legislators to carry-on a failed ideas year after year when the analysis shows the legislative idea to be difficult. But when the non-partisan Legislative Analyst Office reports legislation like universal healthRead More

Bill Leonard

Seeing Pink

Last Friday March 13th was the deadline day for school districts to issue potential layoff notices to teachers for the next school year.

This early notice date was put into law by the teachers’ union and is now used by the teachers’ union as an excuse to complain about school budgets. In an abundance of caution, districts will issue notices to a number of teachers. The number is not important, but what is important is that these are not pink slips, not actual layoff notices, nor any notice that requires any action. It’s not even close to the private sector where the employer can layoff people with little or no actual notice.

Another teacher union law requires school districts to finalize any actual layoffs by May 15th whether or not they have any idea of what the state budget looks like or what next year’s enrollment might be.

Historically no district with a stable or growing enrollment has laid off any classroom teacher no matter how badly the state budget treated government schools. I would be surprised to hear of any district actually laying off classroom teachers this year either.

But right or wrong I will give… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund On The Passing of Ron Silver

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary… John Fund remembers actor Ron Silver, who passed away yesterday… (We added the photo…)

Silver Was Pure Gold

Actor and liberal-turned-conservative activist Ron Silver knew how to live — and also how to deal courageously with the cancer that claimed his life yesterday at age 62.

When I last saw him at a lunch in New York a few months ago, I asked him how his health was. "Not good," he replied philosophically. "I’m probably not going to make it, but I’ll go down fighting."

Not much you can say to that, except to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former Senate GOP Leader Ackerman: “Governor Whitman”

Longtime FR friend penned some exclusive thoughts for FR readers on why he endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor….

GOVERNOR WHITMAN By Dick Ackerman My first significant contact with Meg Whitman was early in the “Romney for President” campaign. She was the National Finance Chair and I was the California Co Chair for Governor Romney. We were on a charter flight from Long Beach to Fenway Park in Boston for aRead More

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