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Bill Leonard

Are 200,000 State Workers Eligible for Unemployment?

Two hundred thousand plus state employees may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits. This is an issue that has Employment Development Department (EDD) lawyers in a tizzy. Clearly, the Governor-ordered furloughs are a reduction in pay, but the employees are being sent home on furlough days so their rate of pay stays the same. The loss is a loss of hours to work, which is one way of defining unemployment. In fact, EDD already has a program in place for workers who are furloughed or laid off from work on a temporary basis with a promise of future work with the same employer. Under this program the worker getting the benefits is not even required to look for another job. Do state employees on furlough qualify? No one seems to know. Another big question is whether salaried employees have the same eligibility as hourly employees. Most state employees are on salaries but with strict work hour requirements. As they say, developing…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Benoit: 1A – A Taxing Proposition

We are pleased to present this exclusive commentary from Republican State Senator John Benoit…

1A – A Taxing Proposition By Senator John Benoit I have long been an outspoken advocate of a real state spending cap that would firmly limit the growth of state spending to the sum of inflation and population growth. I proudly co-authored Assembly Constitutional Amendment 19, a fiscally-responsible measure that would have capped state spending while diverting any extra revenue into reserves and repayment of outstanding debt. Sadly, that measure died during atypical party line vote in the Budget Committee in August 2008. As with several other similar past proposals, the tax-and-spend controlling majority wanted nothing to do with anything thatRead More

Jon Fleischman

Foreshadowing? Poizner compares Prop. 1A to last year’s failed Prop. 93

This morning California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has an exclusive column in the FlashReport, The $16 Billion Tax Trick: We Need to Stop the Legislature from Trying to Fool Voters – Again. The column is worth a read. It’s especially notable that in the very first paragraph, Poizner compares Proposition 1A to last year’s failed Proposition 93 (The Fabian Nunez Term Limits Weakening Act, as we must have called it a hundred times). When you consider the lead role that Poizner played in the defeat of 93, which included not only political leadership, but a healthy contribution from Poizner’s personal fortune, it begs the question of whether Poizner will "93" Proposition 1A…

Of course, Meg Whitman has also been quite vocal in her opposition to 1A. While she doesn’t have a specific story like that of Poizner’s role with 93 to draw… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: 6,000 California Gas Stations To Close? This is no April Fool’s Joke!

April Fool’s Day is just a week away. Wouldn’t it be a great practical joke if the State of California were to force 6,000 gas service stations to shut their doors on that day? Just think – millions of drivers (maybe you?) running on empty, with no place to fill up their tanks… Actually, it doesn’t sound very funny at all – and, guess what? It’s hardly a joke – it’s actually for real.

As FR readers know, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been on a multi-year jihad against carbon emissions – you know, so we can make some sort of “political statement” about global warming, since the actual impact of California government over-regulating its businesses and citizens will be nominal in terms of reducing man-made carbon emissions on Planet Earth.

Much of the draconian regulation that is taking place is coursing through the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

34 Reasons to Vote Against Confirming Board of Parole Hearings Commissioner Troy Arbaugh

In just his first year on the Board of Parole Hearings, read the "greatest hits" of Commissioner Troy Arbaugh. This guy is up for a confirmation vote any day now in the State Senate. Call your Senator (and someone else’s Senator) and urge them to reject Arbaugh. I can’t imagine that it would be possible to have someone else nominated in his place who could possibly be as disposed to paroling murderers and kidnappers in such high numbers…

Nam Huynh was convicted of 2nd degree murder for shooting his estranged wife to death in Santa Clara County in 1988. The Governor declined to review the decision and Huynh was released. Robert Foreman, a career criminal and drug addict, was convicted of kidnapping while armed with a deadly weapon, 18 counts of robbery with a deadly weapon and three counts of robbery during a two week crime spree in Alameda County in 1980. The decision to release Foreman is pending review by the Governor. Salvador Gonzalez was convicted of 2nd … Read More

Jon Fleischman

6,000 California Gas Stations To Close? This is no April Fool’s Joke!

April Fool’s Day is just a week away. Wouldn’t it be a great practical joke if the State of California were to force 6,000 gas service stations to shut their doors on that day? Just think – millions of drivers (maybe you?) running on empty, with no place to fill up their tanks… Actually, it doesn’t sound very funny at all – and, guess what? It’s hardly a joke – it’s actually for real.

As FR readers know, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has been on a multi-year jihad against carbon emissions – you know, so we can make some sort of “political statement” about global warming, since the actual impact of California government over-regulating its businesses and citizens will be nominal in terms of reducing man-made carbon emissions on Planet Earth.

Much of the draconian regulation that is taking place is coursing through the… Read More

Barry Jantz

Answers Anyone?


To be fair, the huge majority — and most likely all — of his fellow GOP members signed on in support of Adams’ re-election before his budget vote (just as is the norm for most if not all of them to do for each other early on). However, it wasn’t noted that they had done so until after his controversial vote, thus leading to the erroneous assumption that they all endorsed him after the budget was passed.

That said, it isn’t significant that they endorsed a colleague, it is significant however what they do now that he has stood at complete odds with them on such a fundamental, core principle.

Unless I have missed it, his GOP colleagues have been relatively quiet on that issue. Poizner did drop out of an Adams event, while Schwarzenegger provided his support. But, what of Adams’ assembly colleagues?

The readers of this page — and the GOP in general — deserve an answer, regardless of the answer, from each of Adams’ fellow members. Either they continue to support him, regardless of his vote… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Pension systems not so rosy in sunny San Diego

In early June 2004, amidst a tough re-election campaign, a burgeoning financial disaster and daily criticisms for his responsibilities as captain of "Enron by the Sea," San Diego Mayor Dick Murphy returned fire on his main challenger, County Supervisor Ron Roberts. Claiming that the county’s pension problems were actually worse than the city’s, Murphy said that Roberts needed to "clean up his own house."

Murphy’s charge, in effect an "I may be bad, but so is he" defense, was viewed by most as an obvious attempt to grasp at straws. The City of San Diego, after all,was the daily headliner, having under-funded a huge retirement obligation, so as to pay ongoing costs and beef up employee salaries. Few watchers viewed the County as the problem, and if it was having some pension difficulties, it certainly hadn’t robbed Peter to pay Paul.

About one week after the Murphy claim, on June 15, 2004, county supervisors unanimously agreed to… Read More

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