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Shawn Steel

Feds Prosecutorial Abuse …Leave Perata Alone

The balance of control in theUnited States Senate was changed by illegal actions of the U.S. Justice Department against Sen. Ted Stevens.

Who can forget US Attorney Johnny Sutton’s shameful punitive prosecution against border guards Ramos and Campion? The case against Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman [D] has to be questioned. After all he was not convicted for taking bribes or accepting illegal campaign contributions, but was jailedfor appointing a… Read More

Jill Buck

Six votes

If you listen to some reports, you’d think the CRP County Chairs voted down Props 1A-F in a landslide this weekend. That isinaccurate. In fact, just six votes were all that separated the decision – that’s a pretty close vote. It is a clear indication that there are quite a few conservative Republican leaders who believe the initiatives will put the state’s finances on a responsible path. This vote was taken via secret ballot so that county chairs could vote their conscience, rather than being pressured by others to take a position that they otherwise would not. I’m hoping the California Republican Party will follow suit at the upcoming executive committee meeting on April 18th. Republicans, this is our fight! For decades, we have carried the torch for fiscal reform in this state to stop the ever-increasing spending that Democrats insist upon in the good years. I realize that Prop 1A does extend the tax increases already put into place by the budget deal the Governor and Legislators reached in February. And, I am unequivocal in my personal opposition to tax increases. That is … Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock Pledges $5,000 to Recall of Anthony Adams

** Due to technical difficulties, the blog page hasn’t been working right the last 24 hours. That problem is now fixed.**

I am listening to the John and Ken Show on KFI radio. Congressman Tom McClintock has just pledged $5,000 in "matching funds" against donations made by show listeners to the Committee to Recall Anthony Adams.

Right now listeners are responding to former CRP Chairman Mike Schroeder’s SECOND $5,000 matching grant. Last Thursday Schroeder made that offer and it was matched by listeners THAT DAY.

It looks like the Recall Adams Committee is on course to raise well over $50k in donations from John and Ken listeners alone — in advance of their target date of this Wednesday. Recall supporters have said that they plan on attempting to serve Adams with a notice of recall at his gourmet fundraising reception with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on Wednesday night in Glendora.

When you consider that just a few weeks ago, well over 10,000 people showed up for John and Ken’s Voter Revolt 2009 rally in Fullerton, you can only imagine how many signatures they will gather on recall petitions when they host… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A Media Potpouri

Sheriff Hopefuls Vent… My post of two days ago about Sheriff Bill Kolender’s mid-term retirement, including reactions from some of the major contenders for the spot in 2010, has resulted in some interesting comments (both here and at Red County SD):

Read SD Sheriff’s Retirement Fallout.

Worth Repeating: Taxes and dirty tricks… Jon Fleischman hi-lites it as a Golden Pen this morning; from the Union-Trib:

The intention of the constitution is clear. It plainly says that taxes can only be raised on a two-thirds vote … This is why any governor of any party should veto any tax hike approved with use of this scheme … Alas, Schwarzenegger doesn’t appear to agree. The man who used to take a back seat to no one in his anti-tax fervor last week declined to respond to our e-mailed question about the propriety and honestyRead More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING NEWS – GOP County Chairs Oppose Props. 1A-1F

Just in from a specially convened meeting of the Republican County Chairmens Association — they have voted, after lengthy debate — to oppose the entire slate of ballot measures appearing on the May 19 special election ballot. We'll have more information on this tomorrow morning…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor Appoints 23 New Judges: 12 Rep, 9 Dem, 2 DTS

On March 23, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed 23 new judges in California. It is typical that these appointments come in ‘waves” like this. Unfortunately it is also typical of this Republican Governor that he appoints a bunch of non-Republicans to the bench – in large numbers. Actually, it is probably a fairly good theory that great efforts are made to appoint just over half of the judges in a single round that are Republicans – just over half. That is certainly the case in this latest round, where of the 23 new judges, 12 are Republicans, 9 are Democrats, and 2 are registered Decline-To-State.

If you are a Republican in Sacramento County, you can feel exceptionally honored that the Governor appointed not one, not two, but three new Democrats to the bench there in the Capitol City. He did appoint one Republican in Sacramento County – longtime FR friend Ben Davidian. While I am pleased for Ben, and know he will be a great judget, Ben was one of the Republican Party’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Appoints 23 New Judges: 12 Rep, 9 Dem, 2 DTS

On March 23, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger appointed 23 new judges in California. It is typical that these appointments come in ‘waves” like this. Unfortunately it is also typical of this Republican Governor that he appoints a bunch of non-Republicans to the bench – in large numbers. Actually, it is probably a fairly good theory that great efforts are made to appoint just over half of the judges in a single round that are Republicans – just over half. That is certainly the case in this latest round, where of the 23 new judges, 12 are Republicans, 9 are Democrats, and 2 are registered Decline-To-State.

If you are a Republican in Sacramento County, you can feel exceptionally honored that the Governor appointed not one, not two, but three new Democrats to the bench there in the Capitol City. He did appoint one Republican in Sacramento County – longtime FR friend Ben Davidian. While I am pleased for Ben, and know he will be a great judget, Ben was one of the Republican Party’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tea Bag Powder Shuts Down Radanovich DO

Today at 3pm, the District Office of Republican Congressman George Radanovich (R-Miraposa) was closed when an envelope was opened with a white powdered substance was found loose inside.

Turns out it was the contents of a tea bag, which had been mailed into the Congressman's office as part of a national protest of the high level of taxation and spending by our federal government.

Of course the police and fire departments responded promptly and made sure all was okay in Radanovich's office. I wish someone could respond as quickly to DC and make everything okay for taxpayers!

I should close this post by commending Radanovich who by and large has been a leader against higher taxes and big spending. Perhaps his office can forward the depleted tea bag on to Speaker Pelosi's office…… Read More

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