May 19 Propositions Sinking in Polls
SurveyUSA just released a poll that indicates Propositions 1A-1F are in serious jeopardy. According to the poll, 42% of those surveyed will vote against 1A; 50% of Los Angeles voters are opposed to the measure. Opposition to 1B has increased by 12% in the last six weeks. According to SurveyUSA, “1C is defeated today by almost 2:1.”
Since their last survey, Proposition 1D has seen a 20% percent swing against—although “any outcome is possible.” Opposition is also up against 1E. 1F still seems to be up in the air, with support/opposition/undecided split three ways. Looks like Governor Schwarzenegger and his friends in the legislature have some serious campaigning to do in the next few weeks…… Read More