Today’s Commentary: *Exclusive Video* Meg Whitman “Call Day” in San Jose
Last Tuesday, on a Southwest flight to San Jose, I literally ran into my friend John Clarey, a successful businessman from Orange County.. The irony is that John and I work about 30 feet from one another in Newport Beach, in the same office suite.
John is a huge supporter of Meg Whitman’s campaign for Governor, and so it wasn’t a surprise when he told me he was on his way to a Meg Whitman "Call Day" — this is when supporters gather and make fundraising calls from one location, with the candidate on hand to jump on the line. As always, John tried to get me to go along — but he knows as an officer of the state GOP, I have to stay out of contested Republican primaries.
"Call days" were a favorite fundraising technique of Mitt Romney during his Presidential run — so it’s no surprise that Whitman, who was a key player in Romney’s campaign for President (while he lost the nomination, Romney raised a vast amount of money).
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