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Duane Dichiara

Antonopoulos New College Republican Chairman

In San Francisco this weekend Mike Antonopoulos was elected Chairman of the California College Republicans. The vote for Chairman was 400 to 18, or thereabout. The Antonopoulos slate of candidates won by similar margins. Antonopoulos attends St. Mary’s College where he is in his fourth year.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Padilla on the Left Wing, DeVore on the Right

Just boarded my Southwest flight from The OC to Sacramento — my first return visit to the roost of big government since the state GOP convention back in late February.

As always, my eyes are peeled for that one politico I need on my flight to prove the, “there is always someone I know on a flight to Sacramento” theory.

Well, once again, I am safe — as on this flight are two state legislators and a local politician.

Hanging off the left wing of this Boing 737 is Alex Padilla. On the right wing is Chuck DeVore. That leaves Laguna Niguel Councilman Paul Glaab and me to keep the plane flying straight… Which begs the question… Will we make it to Sacramento since this plane will be veering right the whole trip?

Wheels up!… Read More

Bill Leonard

Mainstream Media Locksteps into Oblivion

If you still read newspapers, do you ever wonder how they decide what to run? By way of Instapundit, I found this interesting blog post by Doug Ross, “The curious case of 200 nearly identical headlines.”

Recently, Ross found so many similar stories on people who lack health insurance in newspapers across the country he collected them until he realized there were too many to count. The stores presented a one-sided look at the uninsured in America with statements like “1 in 3 Coloradans lacked health insurance of last two years.” And “1 in 3 are uninsured in Georgia, study says.” The stories relied on one source for its facts, Families USA. Families USA is part of the “Progressive States Network” with far-left groups like Acorn, the Center for American Progress, the Universal Healthcare Action Network, etc. They share a liking for bigger government and socialized medicine.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My comment on the CDP endorsing 1A

I wasn’t surprised to see the California Democrat Party endorse Proposition 1A. What’s for them not to like? $16 billion in higher taxes and an ineffective spending cap." — Jon Fleischman, Regional Vice Chairman, CA Republican Party… Read More

James V. Lacy

The Marichal Incident

How many FlashReport readers are old and wise enough to remember The Marichal Incident in 1965?

Janice and I went to the Angels game last night and stayed all the way to the exciting but disappointing 9-8 loss to the Seattle Mariners.Just about two weeks ago, we also had the opportunity to attend the opening day ceremonies and game at Dodger Stadium vs. the San Francisco Giants.

Though I have become an Angels fan, I was born in the Bay Area, and my dad and grandmother were both born in San Francisco. I rooted for the Giants as a kid, followed intently the Giant/Dodger rivalry thru the 1960s,and didn’t really turn into an Angel fan until the 1979 season when they won their first division title.( I lived in Anaheim for a while near the stadium and remember the days when Nolan Ryan could give up one hit and still be the losing pitcher in a 1-0 game!)

Well, last night, when the opposing and rivalMariners took the field, the Angels fans didn’t boo. And some of the crowdactually applauded when the Seattle players did something exceptional. My wife, a National… Read More

James V. Lacy

FEC unregulates some political speech

Two important rulings made public last week by the Federal Election Commission demonstrate the FEC is attempting to follow guidance established by the U.S. Supreme Court in the so-called Wisconsin Right to Life case, and one of the rulings adds toa newbody of law which slightly expands the permissable content of candidate-related political speech that is unregulated by the FEC. Becausethe rulings are based on interpretations of U.S. Supreme Court decisions, they can and shouldinfluence the regulatory posture of the California Fair Political Practices Commission.

The decisions apply to so-called "527" issue advocacy groups but theyshould also be of note to nonprofit advocacy organizations organized as corporations and tax exempt under different sections of the IRS tax code.

In one of the decisions, which is a detailed written ruling, the FEC found that the Pennsylvania-based Lantern Project did not cross the line to require Federal political action committee status (andtherefore FEC regulation, contribution limits, ban on corporate/union contributions,and disclosure) when itspent… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: A Taste of the Ballot Measures, Adventures in Oversight, Diversity at Knott’s, and more

Quote of the Month… Who needs detailed analysis over tax, borrow, spend, excuse and obfuscate proposals when it’s so simple to utilize the colorful? Thanks to FR reader Ray Palmucci for sending along a bit of brilliance. He callsthe half-dozen measureson the May 19 ballot "A six pack of Austrian backwash." Speaking of Just Saying No to Leaving a Bad Taste… The Republican Party of San Diego County last week released it’s official Voter Guide for No on Props 1A thru 1F. See the website info here and apdf of the guide here.

As well, if you haven’t heard the No on 1A radio ad campaign that started last week, take a listen:

Wolf in Sheep’s clothing

Jon Coupal Urgent Warning

AnRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Gilmore’s Ramblings on Prop 1-A

I obtained the audio files of freshman Assemblyman Danny Gilmore, who ran as a conservative, "defending" his support for Proposition 1A. Essentially, he said he was supporting it, but he hated it.

What no one is talking about, of course, is how the budget "deal" that recently passed the legislature is dead on arrival. The revenue isn’t anywhere near the projections.

The audio files are here.… Read More

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