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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

AQMD Harassment Costs Jobs.

One of my big frustrations in the State Assembly is that the connection is not made between overzealous regulators and draconian rules and that Californiahas an over 11% unemployment rate.

Today, Gregg Industries, which operates a foundry and machine shop in El Monte, announced it is closing early. Can you say AQMD?

After the downturn Gregg Industries announced they would close the foundry part of the operation. In 2008 Gregg Industries had an agreement with the AQMD on controlling pollution. It required independent verification of its efforts. After the closure announcement they actually gave incentives to the last employees to comply with the agreement.

AQMD’s response was to send inspector after inspector for the last month it was open.

Gregg’s staff outlined abuses that included a threat from an AQMD employee that at least one security guard interpreted as a threat to use force to enter and inspectors entering he facility without protective measures and without proper escort. I still haven’t got a response to my inquiry about the harassment.

The result is Gregg is closingRead More

Mike Spence

Did Governor’s “Green” Energy Plan Hurt the Environment?

Happy Earth Day everybody. It is also Lenin’s Birthday and Planned Parenthood Day at the Capitol, but I digress.

Everyone knows of the Governor’s commitment to stopping “greenhouse gases”. He receives a lot of praise and attention for his efforts.

Did he hurt the environment in the meantime? The California Air Resources Board (CARB) thinks he did. And I just don’t mean the carbon dioxide expelled discussing this issue.

The CARB is considering a Low Carbon Fuel Standard that would measurethe direct release of carbon into the atmosphere from the production, transportation and use of motor fuels AND land-use changes resulting from ethanol production.

Ethanol producers are upset, because it looks like corn to ethanol is bad for the environment, when you include all the production, land and transportation costs.

In 2006 the Governor issued an executive order onthe use of biofuels. He has spent money getting grants for Ethanol producers. He has campaigned vigorously for its use, to find out that they may be hurting the environment.

Maybe, just maybe government doesn’t know… Read More

Jon Fleischman

After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props

Last Saturday, the members of the Executive Committee of the California Republican Party met at the Sacramento Convention Center and voted overwhelmingly to oppose all of the ballot propositions, 1A-1F, that are on the May Special Election ballot. These measures appear as a result of a budget deal that saw California taxpayers smacked with higher income and sales taxes, as well as higher car taxes and, for those with children, a significant reduction in the child tax credit that taxpaying parents now enjoy. The ballot package rejected by the State GOP includes extending those taxes even longer. In total, if advocates get their way, every family in California will be paying nearly $4,000 on average in higher taxes. And for what? Simply put, the package of measures on the ballot does not solve the structural problems of our state, according to the Legislative Analyst, there will be at least an $8 billion shortfall, even if they fail (and he presumes an increase in revenues from increasing tax rates).

First and foremost, I… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: After Half-Hour Talk From Villines, State GOP ExComm Rejects His Rationale, Opposes All Ballot Props

Last Saturday, the members of the Executive Committee of the California Republican Party met at the Sacramento Convention Center and voted overwhelmingly to oppose all of the ballot propositions, 1A-1F, that are on the May Special Election ballot. These measures appear as a result of a budget deal that saw California taxpayers smacked with higher income and sales taxes, as well as higher car taxes and, for those with children, a significant reduction in the child tax credit that taxpaying parents now enjoy. The ballot package rejected by the State GOP includes extending those taxes even longer. In total, if advocates get their way, every family in California will be paying nearly $4,000 on average in higher taxes. And for what? Simply put, the package of measures on the ballot does not solve the structural problems of our state, according to the Legislative Analyst, there will be at least an $8 billion shortfall, even if they fail (and he presumes an increase in revenues from increasing tax rates).

First and foremost, I have read some… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Raises For Legislative Staff

I am trying to think whether California voters will feel more or less inclined to vote themselves an increase in sales, income and car taxes when they hear that over a hundred legislative employees just got raises. Well, I guess if the taxes DO pass, the raise will help the lucky staffers to pay for it. If the taxes fail, well, what's a few hundred thousand more bucks in debt?… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Open the Books

I think that if we as a people are going to discuss the various memorandum about interrogation tactics, we have an obligation to review the memorandum as to what these tactics did or did not accomplish. From what I understand, these tactics prevented the planned attack on Los Angeles. Maybe they did more, maybe they did less. Open the files.

(Thanks to Drudge Report for the following)


“One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is they put out the legal memos, the memos that the CIA got from the Office of Legal Counsel, but they didn't put out the memos that showed the success of the effort. And there are reports that show specifically what we gained as a result of this activity. They have not been declassified.”

“I formally asked that they be declassified now. I haven't announced this up until now, I haven't talked about it, but I know specifically of reports that I read, that I saw that lay out what we learned through the interrogation process and what the consequences were for the country.”

“And I've now formally asked the CIA to take steps to declassify those memos so… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Startling Info From This Morning’s Debate — Prop. 1C Is A “Blank Check” For Borrowing!

This morning, here in San Jose, I participated on a panel discussion looking at the ballot propositions that appear on the April 19 – May 19 Special Election ballot measures (we post a month-long range because I believe that a majority of votes cast will be by absentee ballot voters, many of who already have their ballots and are voting). The event was co-sponsored by two groups that aren’t as conservative as I am (most aren’t, eh?) – the New America Foundation (famous for the “hidden tax” argument used to support the ill-fated Schwarzenegger/Nunez socialized health care plan, and the Joint Venture Silicon Valley Venture (who rotate out a photo of global warming alarmist Al Gore on their home page).

On the panel with me were my usually-but-not-this-time- ally Loren Kaye (a great guy). Loren represented the CalChamber and its policy foundation as an articulate advocate for 1A-1F.

Representing the ideological left was Jean Ross of… Read More

Barry Jantz

Voter Reg in Perspective: Not all it’s cracked down to be

The following information and attached document with charts is RNC-collected material, derived from Secretary of State data. Accurate info; not yet widely distributed. In fact, it’s likely you may be seeing it here first. Putting Voter Registration Data in Perspective: Recent Trend Benefits Democrats, But Not to the Degree Some Alarmists Claim The recent increase in Democrat voter registration in California reflects a national trend which has seen significant increases in the 29 states with partisan registration. California’s voter registration data reveals the Republican Party is today in a similar position to 1982 and 1994 when George Deukmejian and Pete Wilson were elected Governor.

NATIONAL TREND Harris Interactive reports Republican self-identification nationally at its lowest point in 25 years as 36% of Americans identify with the Democratic Party, 31% identify as Independents, and 26% as Republicans. Independents outnumber Republicans for the first time since 1983.

This trend in self-identification contributes to the recent increase… Read More

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