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Riverside GOP Shows Growth Under New Leadership

In only his fourth month on the job as Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party, Ken Minesinger has bucked Statewide and National trends and has actually grown Republican registrations in the County. In the latest tally by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters, Republican registrations since December 1 have totalled 10,053 tothe Democrats’ 4,781.

Also praise-worthy: the Central Committee has already raised, in cash or commitments, enough money to cover costs of its Liberty Dinner fundraiser, held annually in October. This is a phenomenal turn-around in fundraising activity.

I have long stressed the importance of County Central Committees to keep their eye on the ball — expanding the Republican base with registration efforts and raising funds for Republican candidates.

Under Minesinger’s leadership, the Party has achieved considerable success in each and I salute him for his early achievements!

Additionally, with the launch of its Facebook group around the start of Ken’s tenure, the Party has held four consecutive meetings with full… Read More

Meredith Turney

May 19 Propositions Sinking in Polls

SurveyUSA just released a poll that indicates Propositions 1A-1F are in serious jeopardy. According to the poll, 42% of those surveyed will vote against 1A; 50% of Los Angeles voters are opposed to the measure. Opposition to 1B has increased by 12% in the last six weeks. According to SurveyUSA, “1C is defeated today by almost 2:1.”

Since their last survey, Proposition 1D has seen a 20% percent swing against—although “any outcome is possible.” Opposition is also up against 1E. 1F still seems to be up in the air, with support/opposition/undecided split three ways. Looks like Governor Schwarzenegger and his friends in the legislature have some serious campaigning to do in the next few weeks…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Preview: Exclusive FR Interview with former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese

Just a few minutes ago, I conducted an interview with a real patriot and longtime public servant, former United States Attorney General Ed Meese. For FR readers that don’t know the impressive background of General Meese, he was a close friend, advisor and appointee of Ronald Reagan, both as Governor of California and as President of the United States.

From his resume at the Heritage Foundation…

Edwin Meese III is a prominent leader, thinker and elder statesman in the conservative movement – and America itself.

He holds the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, responsible for keeping the president’s legacy of conservative principles alive in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lt. Gov. Mike Villines?

I figure if I want to climb higher than “55” on the CapWeekly's Top 100 list, I need to beat CW's Anthony York to publishing hot rumors. And this little tidbit is just that, a little bit of “water coolor” banter that makes for fun reading.

So John Garamendi, who is in some obscure statewide office — oh yeah, Lt. Governor — is now a declared candidate for Congress in the East Bay/Delta area, where Democrat Ellen Tauscher has vacated her seat upon being appointed into the Obama Administration.

If not the favorite, Garamendi is no doubt a very strong candidate to take that seat, and head off to Congress (ugh) — with all due deference to the two Democrat state legislators who are also running.

So… This leads to the next question — if later this year, the Lt. Governor steps down to head to Capitol Hill, then who would Governor Schwarzenegger appoint to fill out the unexpired balance of Garamendi's term?

First and foremost, with this Governor, I would hardly put any money down on him necessarily appointing a Republican to this post. Actually, no matter who is appointed, that… Read More

Barry Jantz

Uhhh….Never Mind

In the immortal words of Roseanne Roseannadanna…. "Never mind." From Cap Weekly Assembly speaker Karen Bass said today she was cancelling 5 percent pay increases for more than 130 Assembly staffers, because they were becoming "a distraction" from the May 19 ballot initiatives.

In the equally immortal words of Homer Simpson….

"DOH!" 3:42 Update: Credit where credit is due. I have been informed that the U-T’s Read More

Jon Fleischman

Yes on 1A-1F Campaign Ad Portrays Dad Who Will Unwittingly Vote To Tax Himself

I just finished watching the first television commercial released by the campaign to pass all of the measures on the May Special Election ballot. You can see the piece below. When you watch the commercial, you will notice that something is missing. The actor on the screen, playing the dad who is going to play catch with his kid, and vote for the ballot propositions, is the poster child for the ignorant voter that the ballot campaign is trying to fool. He tells us that he needs to go out, "to help hold the line on higher taxes," by voting for these measures…

Whoops. Someone forgot to tell the Leave It To Beaver dad in this commercial that his vote for the Propositions doesn’t hold the line on taxes — on the contrary, if he votes for the package, he will be triggering a $16 billion dollar increase in taxes, including higher sales taxes on the next ball and mitt he wants to buy for his son. The parent portrayed in this add will also be voting to take away a $200 tax credit for the child in the spot, money that perhaps he would be using to buy his son a uniform for his little league… Read More

Tab Berg

MacGlashan launches citizen’s committee to study budget options.

While the Legislature dithers on real cuts and Congress blows through cash like it was carbon credits, local leaders are taking action to reduce budgets without putting a tax-boot on the throats of struggling businesses and taxpayers.

Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan, after ceremoniously crumpling and hurling yet another incomplete staff budget memo into the trash, assembled a citizen’s panel to review and make recommendations on budget cuts, efficiency and vital programs.

And unlike the photo-op commissions created by the state, this group – Kitchen Conversations Citizen Budget Committee – will meet for only a few weeks, make specific recommendations, then go back to living regular lives.

Unlike California’s Citizen Performance Review, which came up with a pretty good series of recommendations to save California taxpayers money but then was mostly shelved – a waste of time, money and paper; MacGlashan has a reputation of being tenacious in protecting taxpayers.

While budgets were still flush several years ago, MacGlashan took an unpopular stand to cut a $2.5 million program giving free healthcare to… Read More

Barry Jantz

Will San Diego Unified be “looking in the rear window” after a crash?

Tax dollars being used to create "fun experiences" for students in the form of "amusement parks." That certainly means taking someone for a ride. Somehow, I’m not thinking most San Diegans would be amused if they knew.

Where is the oversight of public funds? Let’s look at yesterday’s hard-hitting letter from the San Diego County Taxpayers Association to one of the largest school districts in the state…

April 21, 2009 The Honorable Shelia Jackson President, Board of Trustees San Diego Unified SchoolRead More

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