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Jon Fleischman

We Need A 1A GOP Debate… With Arnold In The Mix!

I just received a release from the Steve Poizner campaign, calling for two debates between himself, Tom Campbell and Meg Whitman — the leading candidates for the GOP nomination for Governor next year. The proposed topic? The ballot Propositions.

While the idea is a good one, given that Propisition 1A is the most controversial item on the ballot (with its trigger of $16 billion in new taxes), and that Poizner and Whitman both oppose 1A, and Campbell supports it, that debate doesn't sound that exciting to me (no offense intended).

So, I have a better idea. Let's invite Arnold Schwarzegger into the fray. A Schwarzenegger/Campbell vs. Poizner/Whitman debate would be very interesting, indeed…

I would be happy to jointly moderate the event with my friend Abel Maldonado!… Read More

Barry Jantz

Critical Swine Flu prevention tip

Critical Swine Flu prevention tip:

Don’t do this!!!!….

Just a little Thursday humor for you.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

NFIB Polls Over 21,000 Members — Comes Out Against 1A

The National Federation of Independent Business – California, a major player in California politics, and the hands-down grassroots representative in Sacramento for small business owners, has come out strongly against Proposition 1A.

According to the NFIB-CA, In order to determine support or opposition to Proposition 1A, they balloted more than 21,000 members during the month of April. Of those who responded, the majority were in opposition to Proposition 1A. The content of the ballot was developed based on information provided by both the support and opposition committees.

They have issued this statement:

Small business owners understandably scream “May Day” when it comes to increasing taxes in an already struggling economy,” said John Kabateck, NFIB/CA executive director. “When balloted, the more than 21,000 NFIB/CA members we represent made it clear that they oppose Proposition 1A and the concept of extending the tax increase as part of the most recent budgetRead More

Issa Profiled in Weekly Standard

OC/SD Congressman Issa is profiled for his leadership in government oversight at

A nice profile piece is here.… Read More

Canned But Still Collecting A Check

Waste Watchers- California: Land of the Golden Parachute Historically, California has been known for its gold, the lure of which attracted pioneers and prospectors from far and wide in search of wealth and opportunity. Today, however, the “ Golden State ” motto might more accurately refer to the generous “golden parachutes,” granted to public employees. A particularly sadRead More

Meredith Turney

100 Mistakes, Misstatements and Missteps

To commemorate President Obama’s first 100 days in office, conservative leader Gary Bauer has released a list of Obama’s 100 mistakes, misstatements and missteps. If nothing else, it will provide balance to the sycophantic media reports celebrating Obama’s 100 days of bringing heaven to earth.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: VIDEO: FR Interviews Jon Coupal on Vote by Democrats to Retain Integrated Waste Management Board

Today we feature as our daily commentary a video interview that I conducted yesterday afternoon with Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. The topic? The outrageous votes of Capitol Democrats yesterday against GOP sponsored bills to eliminate the California Integrated Waste Management Board… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: FR Interviews Jon Coupal on Vote by Democrats to Retain Integrated Waste Management Board

Today we feature as our daily commentary a video interview that I conducted yesterday afternoon with Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. The topic? The outrageous votes of Capitol Democrats yesterday against GOP sponsored bills to eliminate the California Integrated Waste Management Board…

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

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